Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay about Unit 4 P1 - 2506 Words
Emotional development- Young infants probably do not have a sense of being an individual. Attachment has been defined as an affectional bond that endures across space and time. There would most likely be a psychological response; you would feel surprised and somewhat pleased to see your mom. Infants who are securely attached have successfully developed what Erikson referred to as trust. Social development- Infants soon recongnise their mothers voice and smell. Social referencing is the term for the way that infants take their cues from others in deciding what emotions and actions are appropriate. How do infants learn to be afraid of something? One way is their own experience, but that experience is very limited. A second way is by†¦show more content†¦Social: At this stage of life, Adolescences communicate socially by using social network sites or by mobile phones and other gadgets as technology is increasing rapidly. They become more involved in group activities and plan on going out and have a good time. Predictable * Starting secondary school, carrying on with further education such as A-levels, university * Starting work- going into full/part time job when you are legally able to work * Puberty changes which occur during the ages 10-18 Un-Predictable * Bereavement * Crime- being involved in a crime you unintentionally/intentionally cause * Convictions * Teenage pregnancy- not using birth control if you are having sex, most are likely to become pregnant Development norms and milestones for adolescence (10-18 years) During the life stage of adolescence, it is a time of many physical, mental, emotional, and social changes. Hormones change and puberty begins. Boys grow facial hair and go through wet dreams and erections. Girls begin to grow hair under their arms and other areas, breasts start to grow and the menstrual cycle begins. Being worried about how their body looks is normal for every teenager, but they learn to adapt to their bodies as they are going through a change. Many teenagers might face peer pressure to use alcohol, smoking, drugs and to have sex. Other challenges which may occur can be eating disorders,Show MoreRelatedUnit 4 P1 and M11181 Words  | 5 PagesUnit 4 Task 1 I have selected ‘Sainsbury’s’ as my organisation and I will explain the types of information used in my organisation. The following are: * Verbal * Written * On-Screen * Multi-Media * Web based Verbal Face-to-face verbal communication is the best way to communicate. There is less chance for misunderstanding and it allows for verbal and nonverbal messages. 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