Tuesday, May 26, 2020
UW River Falls Essay Samples
UW River Falls Essay SamplesUW River Falls is located in the state of Wisconsin, just across the border from Illinois. It is known for its idyllic picturesque river valley and forests. It is the first city with a World Heritage Site designation as the Willis Rosebud City.For years this city has become a popular destination for tourists and rainforest tours. Tourists flock to the city every year in search of an experience they will never forget. These are some of the UW River Falls essay samples that can help you with your next paper. So grab a pen and start writing!How many people in UW city can you name? As many as 60 million. We know that many of those people love to spend their leisure time here on the water. The river flows through many areas of the city. In fact, the beautiful sunsets and the vivid blue skies could make for a great sunset.Backwaters, known for their amazing wildlife, have always been popular attractions for visitors. Another attraction that is sure to have an up surge in interest is the waterfalls. Who can resist a huge waterfall in a natural setting? And let's not forget about the golden eagle sightings! If you can guess which waterfall is the largest, then you have an edge on the game.The University's Park is one of the most visited spots for hiking and nature lovers. Many of the trails end at the confluence of the rivers. Many wildlife are often seen as well.Some of the best hikes in UW are located on the small island at the edge of the village. The island also has a pretty park where people may enjoy anice cream before lunch or go for a walk in the summer sunshine.And the local attractions certainly don't end there. The University of Wisconsin Botanical Gardens and the Husky Museum are both amazing. Come see why UW River Falls essay samples are the way to go.
Friday, May 15, 2020
The Theory Of The Philosophy Of Education Essay - 1538 Words
Teaching Philosophy Emily E. Blackwell Athens State University Abstract Idealism, thought to be the creation of Greek philosopher, Plato, is the approach that teachers use to get students to ask and answer questions in order to reach the next level of education. The teacher will typically use a variety of inquiry based learning tactics. This school of thought is used to develop each students’ individual abilities and moral character. The idealist feels that with the development of moral character in addition to personal reflection, wisdom is gained. Teachers who follow this philosophy generally see themselves as a role model for his or her students to strive to emulate. This teaching method is typically implemented to focus on developing ideas through lecture, discussion, and Socratic dialogue. Students can be assessed using a number of methods including, but not limited to quizzes, testing, research projects experiments, and individual or group inquiries. Additionally, this philosophy is used to encourage students to discover their individual tru ths. Introduction The philosophy of education is the philosophical ideas on the essence, goals, and complications of education. The philosophy of education is both reflective in nature and rooted in educational practice. Engaging in philosophy helps teachers to clarify what they do or intend to do in regards to classroom management, lesson planning, time management, and discipline. (Seigel, 2015) Implementing a particularShow MoreRelatedThe Philosophy Of Education Is Closely Modeled By Jerome Bruner s Constructivism Theory980 Words  | 4 PagesMy philosophy of education is closely modeled by Jerome Bruner’s Constructivism theory. Constructivism theory allows students to choose and convert information, and build hypothesis before making decisions (Bruner, 1960). The model focuses on the construction of learning. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay about Unit 4 P1 - 2506 Words
Emotional development- Young infants probably do not have a sense of being an individual. Attachment has been defined as an affectional bond that endures across space and time. There would most likely be a psychological response; you would feel surprised and somewhat pleased to see your mom. Infants who are securely attached have successfully developed what Erikson referred to as trust. Social development- Infants soon recongnise their mothers voice and smell. Social referencing is the term for the way that infants take their cues from others in deciding what emotions and actions are appropriate. How do infants learn to be afraid of something? One way is their own experience, but that experience is very limited. A second way is by†¦show more content†¦Social: At this stage of life, Adolescences communicate socially by using social network sites or by mobile phones and other gadgets as technology is increasing rapidly. They become more involved in group activities and plan on going out and have a good time. Predictable * Starting secondary school, carrying on with further education such as A-levels, university * Starting work- going into full/part time job when you are legally able to work * Puberty changes which occur during the ages 10-18 Un-Predictable * Bereavement * Crime- being involved in a crime you unintentionally/intentionally cause * Convictions * Teenage pregnancy- not using birth control if you are having sex, most are likely to become pregnant Development norms and milestones for adolescence (10-18 years) During the life stage of adolescence, it is a time of many physical, mental, emotional, and social changes. Hormones change and puberty begins. Boys grow facial hair and go through wet dreams and erections. Girls begin to grow hair under their arms and other areas, breasts start to grow and the menstrual cycle begins. Being worried about how their body looks is normal for every teenager, but they learn to adapt to their bodies as they are going through a change. Many teenagers might face peer pressure to use alcohol, smoking, drugs and to have sex. Other challenges which may occur can be eating disorders,Show MoreRelatedUnit 4 P1 and M11181 Words  | 5 PagesUnit 4 Task 1 I have selected ‘Sainsbury’s’ as my organisation and I will explain the types of information used in my organisation. The following are: * Verbal * Written * On-Screen * Multi-Media * Web based Verbal Face-to-face verbal communication is the best way to communicate. There is less chance for misunderstanding and it allows for verbal and nonverbal messages. However with the restrictions of time and budgets in business it is not always possible to meet in personRead MoreUnit 4 P1 M1 Essay2780 Words  | 12 Pagesï » ¿Unit 4: business communication P1: Describe the types of information used in your organisation, choosing one from each of the following categories: verbal, written, on-screen, multimedia, web based. The organisation I have chosen to write about is the NHS, this is a government organisation which is funded by taxation and enables all UK residents to be entitled to free healthcare. Verbal Communicating information verbally by speaking face to face can be the best way of communicating as there is lessRead MoreBtec Business Unit 4 P11348 Words  | 6 PagesWilberforce may use this to try to get a sponsor to sponsor them from different countries around the world, They may send a virtual video or even a PowerPoint trying to sell themselves to the target audience Name: Tom Hall Task 1; Unit 4 Sources of information: Internal.... 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Firm Y has no access to this, or any other cost-saving technology, and its marginal cost will remain at $10. Is it worthwhile for firm X to implement this technology or not? Prove your answer. 2. A monopolist sells in two markets. The demand curve for the monopolist’s product is x1=a1-b1P1 in market 1 and x2=a2-b2P2 in market 2, where x1 and x2 are the quantities sold in each market, and P1 and P2 are the prices charged in each market. TheRead MoreAvailability Improvement For Single Unit System With Two Types Of Repair Facilities1233 Words  | 5 PagesAVAILABILITY IMPROVEMENT IN SINGLE UNIT SYSTEM WITH TWO TYPES OF REPAIR FACILITIES Gurvindar Kaur and pooja vinodiya School of Studies in Statistics Vikram University Ujjain (M.P.) Email:gkbhatti2289@gmail.com ABSTRACT This study deals with the reliability, availability, and busy period characteristics of single unit system. On failure of the system, if system can be repaired in short time then repair will be continued, otherwise in order to improve availability another substitute system taken from
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Case Study Solution about Retail Management of Pound Land Store
Question: Using the retailer chosen "Pound land", undertake a comprehensive and extensive look at the internal positioning of this company in regards to how it is dealing with the issues identified? Answer: Introduction Poundland is a public limited store situated in British. Poundland lies under the retail sector. As a retail shop Poundland sells different brands products in one place. The main aim behind starting this type of store was they wanted customers to get all their necessary items in one place in an affordable price. Subsequent to global financial crisis, the UK retailers have gone through significant downturn. Among them, mostly affected are the discount retail chains. Still, there are certain retailers who have manage themselves quite efficiently to deal with this major issue. Pound land is one of them (Armstrong, 2010). In the context of current external environment, it can be said that this particular industry has evidenced an increasing trend. Gap Analysis in Poundland Poundland before opening any new store analyses the market and customer requirement so that the products sold in that store are according to customers and market. Gap analysis in Poundland is used to analyse the difference between their present conditions with future condition in relation to communication, working culture, business environment, employee welfare, profit share and others (Armstrong, 2010). Poundland gap analysis assesses the analysis of their retail supply, surplus in items or profit and other working. Gap analysis in communication is done to analyse the difference in their consumer demand and requirement so that long term and short term plan are changed accordingly (Blake and Rivkin, 2010). Gap analysis can be in communication, delivery service, customer service and other services. Suppose customer wants packed uncooked chicken and the seller present in store is offering him different variety of pork meet, so the miscommunication or the mistake of seller done in under standing and analysing the demand of customer can affect Poundland business as well as customer relationship also. Different strategies adopted by Poundland for Marketing, Advertising and Promoting and list of competitors The promotional strategy adopted by Poundland is as they provide different discounted products every time which attracts more number of customers in comparison of their competitors. Marketing strategy adopted by Poundland is as they try to advertise their range of customers with the help of media i.e. Television, internet or web media and others for instance, Pound land has 26000 followers on Facebook and 38.7K followers on Twitter which explain that Poundland is active on Twitter more than Facebook because of the offers and vouchers (Plunkett, 2010). Pound land organizes different events to advertise their products and shops location which make easier to their customers (Blake, Buttner and Rivkin, 2010). The other promotional strategies adopted by Poundland are they provide credit cards to their regular customers, they invite celebrity in the shops for inaugurating different events so that huge number of customers gathers (Plunkett, 2010). The main competitors of Poundland in retail industry are as Wall mart, Iceland, Poundworld, Aldi. Price Tactics Hard discounting shops are famous for their rock bottom price. They can sell their products at extremely low costs as they are unbranded. However, Poundland are restricted as everything has to be a pound. To increase their sales volume Pound land adopted the discount pricing strategy by which they sell all products of their in house production on 1. Commented by (Armstrong) retail industry is based on customers requirement and needs, so Pound land price strategy for every store is different (Blake, Buttner and Rivkin, 2010). Pound lands in their old and new stores adopt different pricing strategies as the sales rates of both stores are different. New stores of Pound land usually offer discount and reduce price rate in their newly opened store to attract more and more customers. Location Pound land stores are often located within the city centre where they are easy to access. As mentioned by (Gelder and Woodcock, 2003) Pound land is nearly having 500 stores worldwide where they sell number of brands as per their customers demand and requirement. If Pound land decided to open any new store first they analyse different factors on which they store sales depends as customer demand in that particular location, availability of other facilities like transport, roads, water and etc. As commented (Field, 2009) location of any retail store decided their business profit and their operation procedure. As mentioned in one research (Plunkett, 2010) Pound land all stores are situated in good location which increases their sales in comparison of their competitors. Customer Services Pound Land retail stores have different customer services which are decided by their top managers. Pound Land store managers try to continue their customer service facility after the purchase. As commented (Gelder and Woodcock, 2003) customer service of any retail industry organization do not begin and finish on counter, to continue customer relationship store manager and other employees should always work on it (Gelder and Woodcock, 2003). Pound land influences their each and every employee for maintaining customer relation. Pound land after evaluating several problems regarding their customer relation decided to hire new employees who will only for on customer relationship i.e. within the store they will try to help customer in purchasing, choosing and other things if they face any problem (Plunkett, 2011). Pound land customers perception depends on their past experience of purchasing and choosing their products within the store (Plunkett, 2010). Pound land as a retail industry alw ays monitors their employees performance regarding customer relation within the store. Store Atmosphere Commented by (Field, 2009) main responsibilities of store manager of Pound land different stores are to always maintain positive environment within the store so that all employees are motivated. As stated by (Gelder and Woodcock, 2003) store environment of Pound land are always positive and motivational for their employees as well as their customers. The main responsibility of Pound Land store managers are as to maintain daily operation of their employees and the operation which are held within the stores. In contrast to this (Terriff, Osinga and Farrell, 2010) if store environment in positive all employees will automatically be influenced to work. Positive atmosphere of store helps managers in influencing their subordinates to perform better and complete their task on time. Operating procedures Pound land is a retail store where customers come to purchase different products offered by them. Pound land different stores location, services, products influence their perception customers regarding the company brand. As mentioned by (Gould, 2008) Pound land managers focus on their store operation and the cost which they invest and incur from operation. Pound land tries to manage their all store operation in an integration manner to run store easily. As stated (Guercini and Runfola, 2010) main factors of Pound land stores operations are as store manager, sales men and women, low level employees, customers and others. As mentioned (Morrow, 2010) Pound land is having its separate and vast warehouse where huge number of items can be stored. Pound land always focuses on their product quality which they get from various other companies and the quality of products which Pound Land is providing their customers (Terriff, Osinga and Farrell, 2010). Pound land always operate in proper hiera rchy Profitability Hard discounting stores tend to have a low profit margin strategy to attract price sensitive customers. Poundland keep prices low to keep sales volume high by doing things such as Bulk buying, own brand labels and cost cutting. Because prices are so low it means that sales volume will be higher. Another way that Poundland makes itself more profitable is by cutting costs where ever it can. For example staff costs are cut by only having around 5 members of staff throughout the whole store. The staff are paid well but have a lot of responsibilities when there is no customers at their till they are expected to do another task elsewhere in the store e.g. cleaning (Gelder and Woodcock, 2003). Hence Poundland profits are around million before taxation. Pound land organization always focuses on their profitability share i.e. to increase their profitability share they adopt various strategies and policies (Plunkett, 2010). If any store of Pound land is having poor sales in comparison of other competitors they evaluate the reason behind and then adopt new sales techniques and strategies. Pound land adopted lean and money inventory for their profitability retail operation (Gould, 2008). In contrast to these all profit able strategies Pound land try to increase their sales volume by opening new stores in such a location where no other retail stores are present and then Pound land offers customers low price product and launches various discount scheme. Commented (Morrow, 2010) Pound land to increase their sales cut down their supply chain system cost, manufacturing cost and motivate their employees to avoid wasting organization things. Recommendation Pound land work as per their customer demands in any particular region, so they should try to interact their customers face to face for getting feedback regarding their customer service, product quality and other services (Plunkett, 2010). Pound land should try to improve their product quality and service quality as per their customers and present market demand. To increase their sales volume Pound land should adopt new marketing, advertising and promotional strategies other than discount strategy. Supply chain system and technologies should be updated to increase the competitive advantage in retail industry (Terriff, Osinga and Farrell, 2010). Pound land before making changes in their rules, regulations and policies regarding employees or work should do analysis properly. Pound land should try to focus on their cost cutting strategy as it can de motivate their employees also (Plunkett, 2010). The recommendation and feedback if given by any customer should be considered as it will increase customers loyalty towards brand. Pound land should always update their discount and other offers on their official website and other social websites so that every customer is aware and attracts toward their products. Conclusion The study is all about Pound land pricing strategies, location, operating procedure, store atmosphere and other factors which are important for their business (Morrow, 2010). Pound land is a retail industry so the main factors on which their sales depend are customer relationship and the employee employer relationship (Plunkett, 2010). Pound land adopted several strategies and methods to influence their customers regarding their product and other services which differ from store to store. Commented (Plunkett, 2010) Pound land has won number of awards for their customer relation, customer services and the quality of products. Pound land sells huge number of fast moving products of different companies. The study is having brief study about the location, store atmosphere, customer relationship and etc. References Armstrong, J. (2010).Persuasive advertising. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Blake, C. and Rivkin, C. (2010).Stationary fuel cell application codes and standards. Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Blake, C., Buttner, W. and Rivkin, C. (2010).Vehicle codes and standards. Golden, Colo.: National Renewable Energy Laboratory, U.S. Dept. of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. Field, S. (2009).Career opportunities in the retail and wholesale industry. New York: Ferguson/Facts on File. Gelder, D. and Woodcock, P. (2003).Marketing and promotional strategy. Cheltenham: Nelson Thornes. Gould, W. (2008).The Puerto Rico Gap Analysis Project. Ri o Piedras, P.R.: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, International Institute of Tropical Forestry. Guercini, S. and Runfola, A. (2010). Business networks and retail internationalization: A case analysis in the fashion industry.Industrial Marketing Management, 39(6), pp.908-916. Morrow, S. (2010).Work schedule manager gap analysis. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Dept. of Transportation, Federal Railroad Administration, Office of Research and Development. Plunkett, J. (2010).Plunkett's retail industry almanac 2010. Houston, Tex.: Plunkett Research. Plunkett, J. (2010).Plunkett's retail industry almanac 2011. Houston, Tex. (P.O. Drawer 541737, Houston TX 77254-1737 USA): Plunkett Research. Plunkett, J. (2011).Plunkett's Retail Industry Almanac 2012. Houston: Plunkett Research, Ltd. Terriff, T., Osinga, F. and Farrell, T. (2010).A transformation gap?. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.
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