Friday, August 28, 2020
The Korean War: A Turning Point in Canadian History Essay -- Canada Wo
The place that is known for the morning quiet, this was what Korea was called numerous years back. Lamentably, conditions have changed. Korea is presently not, at this point a solitary nation yet has been part into two sections; North Korea and South Korea. Korea had been joined as one nation for a long time. Japan assumed responsibility for Korea and made it part of its domain. After World War II, Japan was crushed and its domain fell. Korea was left without a pioneer or an arrangement of government. This incited the United States troops to possess the southern half and Soviet soldiers to involve the northern half. The United States and its partners supported law based government, while the Soviet Union and China supported a socialist arrangement of government. June 25, 1950 denoted the day wherein battling between the North Koreans and South Koreans began. 135,000 North Korean soldiers crossed the fringe into South Korea while others assaulted via ocean. In a few hours North Korea had effectively kept the South Korean city of Kaesong and in the following couple hours South Korea’s capital, Seoul, was enduring an onslaught. Things were not searching useful for Korea. The war in Korea is frequently alluded to as the â€Å"Forgotten War†in light of the fact that it isn't referenced regularly and is regularly contended that it was good for nothing and superfluous. The Korean War was noteworthy to forming Canada’s military and outside governmental issues however. It has molded us into a serene country with worries for the prosperity of individuals in remote nations. The manner in which we take part in future clashes was changed too. Canada would no longer get included as a British settlement or single nation, yet rather under the United Nations. We displayed ourselves as pioneers and good examples. In the Korean War Canada advocates for itself as a politically influential nation however under th... ...ociation of Canada Inc. http:// (15 Nov. 2010) â€Å"Canadians in Korea, 1950 †1953.†Veterans Affairs Canada. 20 October 2008. Canada. (21 Nov. 2010) â€Å"Chronology of the Canadian Advance in Korea.†Veterans Affairs Canada. 15 June 2008. Canada. sub.cfm?source=history/KoreaWar/order (23 Nov. 2010) â€Å"Facts on Canada’s Involvement in the Korean War.†Veterans Affairs Canada. 21 October 1999. Canada. youth/sub.cfm?source=teach_resources/korfact (20 Nov. 2010) â€Å"The Response †The Canadian Contribution.†Native Soldiers †Foreign Battlefields. 30 June 2005. Veterans Affairs Canada. recalls/sub.cfm?source=history/other/local/korea_response (20 Nov. 2010)
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Social Aspect of Computing Essay Example for Free
The Social Aspect of Computing Essay How has the web based sharing of data, for example, film and music, changed western purchasing propensities? Record shops, films, radio broadcasts, video rental stores and even libraries are losing clients to the worldwide pattern that is OIS (Online Information Sharing the authority MPAA and RIAA expression for web robbery). It once used to be a typical sight to see little record shops loaded up with youngsters picking their preferred specialists new records from the all around stacked racks, paying at the work area, talking about music with others and making new revelations. It was normal for individuals to purchase or lease VHS tapes or sit at home tuning in to the radio. Robbery obviously was alive here, the market for privateer radio, privateer tapes and pilfered recordings was gigantic, the contrast among at that point and today? Gear. Almost every individual beneath 40 has a PC in MEDCs and furthermore has the information to share all that they need from their media assortment with others. The most critical contrast between the times of privateer radio and the times of overall systems administration is that you no longer need to know how it attempts to do it; a large number of guardians carelessly uncover their small children to P2P systems, for example, KaZaA and LimeWire which are brimming with grown-up content, infections and incorporate open talk programs which may permit sexual stalkers access to their youngsters. The primary shopper P2P (distributed) system of note (others, for example, MC2 , Direct Connect and TinyP2P had existed previously however were not broadly embraced by the normal client) called Napster permitted uniquely for the sharing of music documents, for example, WAVE and .mp3 (prompting MPEG 3 turning into the most well known music design in years to come). This was the most sorted out theft or the time among youngsters and youthful grown-ups through the web yet had issues as far as the peril that confronted the client (being trapped) in that the brought together nature of the administration implied that the server not just recorded the documents bring shared by individuals yet the entirety of the documents went through it with an end goal to forestall the multiplication of vindictive projects. This was very awful news for the client as Napster now had the IP address of every single client, an indispensable blemish which would return to haunt the organization and its client ba se later on before it could change its procedure and expel the proof from its servers. Napster had at last made taking music simple however was viewed as imperfect by numerous individuals in the IT people group who needed simpler techniques for sharing programming, video and content records and a more secure strategy for sharing music. Audiogalaxy was the principal standard incorporated P2P customer that was competent (despite the fact that not by plan) of sharing any sort of document at all, it picked up fame after the ruin of Napster and was the first occasion when that the MPAA observed record sharing programming as associations turned out to be increasingly prepared to do permitting quick download of great video. Audiogalaxy just ordered *.mp3 records, the undeniable path round this restriction was found rapidly: by (for instance) naming a *.exe bit of programming from tree.exe to tree exe .mp3. This made AG amazingly valuable for illicit dissemination of both legitimately and unlawfully bought information between clients with involvement with CGI and Batch (CGI parameters must be altered to share non mp3 documents) however was not as well known as eDonkey2000 (another P2P later to get known as eMule) program which didn't have the security confinements of past P2P customers as it was a lot quicker to decentrali ze and permit open sharing and ordering. Particularly on account of Napster, encouraging a huge number of minor wrongdoings prompted a progression of claims propelled by artists against the organization (Metallica, Dr. Dre, Madonna) yet got acclaim from different specialists (Radiohead, Dispatch, Editors) for permitting conveyance of singles preceding a collections discharge. Inevitably a bigger claim was recorded against the organization which in the end brought about insolvency after a claim (which unintentionally expanded the administrations client numbers) documented by the RIAA coming about in Napster shutting down their system and being hindered from selling the organization without exchanging resources under Chapter 7 of the US Bankruptcy Act implying that the organization had to close. The name was later offered to Swedish sex entertainment organization PMG who run it as a paid for administration utilizing comparable looking programming. AudioGalaxy was additionally sued and closed down as its out of court settlemen t rendered the administration viably pointless and brought about the administrations client base deserting it as a group thus AG as well, opened a compensation administration to disseminate music. In endeavors to decentralize and maintain a strategic distance from government indictment, current systems intended for record sharing are de-concentrated, frequently encoded and use intermediaries to camouflage IP addresses, consequently present day systems make it substantially less likely for a client to be found and presented with a court request or other legitimate censure. A de-unified framework doesn't have a server which holds the records yet rather a server that lists a rundown of every accessible document as opposed to putting away them. Most present day p2p frameworks likewise use (as referenced beforehand) a procedure of encryption and intermediary servers to make them untraceable. The servers regularly don't solicit uploaders and downloaders from substance to enlist accounts as they have recently done, this forestalls client name connecting: a procedure that the CIA supposedly utilized wherein they would look through a napster username through a progression of sites attempting to increase individual information on a privateer so as to discover and indict them. Another security highlight of present day P2P conventions is the spilling swarm structure which chips away at a rarest first premise, parting documents into different parts and downloading these parts (to be recreated into a usable record on the bloodsucker (downloading) PC) as opposed to a genuine record. As none of these individual parts is usable as the expected completed item on its own Swedish law permits the redistribution under its own robbery laws th erefore, the most productive pilfering bunches are situated in the nation. One such gathering is the Swedish privateer ideological group called Piratbyran, the Piratbyran, (whose aphorism Pirate and Proud has itself messed up the gathering) this sorted out gathering has requested that (alongside the Pirates site privateers be dealt with reasonably by the law of the world as they accept they reserve the option to assess things and choose if they merit buying before doing as such. Thus, Piratbyran have set up Kopimi, a copywright elective (said copyme) which proclaims others option to utilize your work as they see fit (this being a progressively outrageous form of numerous other recently devised choices like imaginative center which grant a client the option to utilize works for non business reasons of their decision) for anything by any means. The gathering likewise utilized Bram Cohens bit deluge convention and made the universes biggest tracker a site that lists the entirety of the records accessible through the convention which is called (a.k.a. TPB), this site is circulated in more than 20 dialects and is presently the most mainstream tracker for the most progressive, secure and proficient convention that is industrially accessible right now. They are anyway aiming to make their own convention to expel their dependence in Bram Cohen (the maker) who has as of late cut circulation manages Hollywood film studios and is accepted to think about taking the convention business. Governments over the world are surely observing, appeared in several adverts which have just demonstrated incapable so far. In the USA and the UK the legislatures have been running different adverts against theft on lawfully bought DVD recordings and Blu beam/High Definition DVDs which are genuinely pointless: the advert accept You wouldnt take and records a progression of things before disclosing to you robbery is a wrongdoing and showing w little youngster getting up from her PC where she is downloading a film and leaving the entryway. The vast majority will in general be annoyed at the way that, after legitimately paying for something, they are compelled to watch an advert advising them not to take. This series of adverts alone has caused a progression of spoof adverts which remove the content of the first You may take a book and even roused a film considered Steal this film. Obviously there are likewise positive sides to the expansion in taking and sharing among web clients, the little person for instance is heard unmistakably more than the significant official, organizations are grasping the opportunity culture and mainstream groups are pre discharging their collections for nothing to pick up fan support. Sharing is in any event, restoring malignant growth! A to a great extent received task ([emailprotected]) propelled by a US college is collapsing protein strings over a gigantic decentralized system with an end goal to find a malignancy fix or anticipation in lieu of the supercomputer they would ordinarily require. Those passing records about in the good 'ol days most likely never observed that coming when they associated their first systems! Back in the mid 1980s, robbery (though not on the web) was overflowing among office laborers and the PC able, these early lawbreakers would trade programming through floppy plate and offer records between one another. As the 90s began and the main systems were being made inside workplaces, the taking just expanded as records could be replicated between work stations through link as opposed to by hand. Presently, with the age of the web: it is assessed that more than 300 million of the universes populace routinely take data and information over the web with millions all the more acquiring DVDs and books from one another, regardless of whether these individuals are taking pretty much due to the web is irrefutable, with our capacity to get to a huge number of individuals we can share and take undeniably more than we already could have done and this lone gives motivating force to give and take more than we would typically have done in a feeling of
Friday, August 21, 2020
Topical Listing of the Hard Sayings of Jesus Essays -
Topical Listing of the Hard Sayings of Jesus I have attempted to orchestrate the hard idioms as per comparative subjects. I am certain that I have not made a sufficient showing, and there are better approaches to assemble the, so please don't hesitate to recommend your own groupings. I urge you to discover a topic and afterward study and instruct on the points comparative with that subject. I purchased two duplicates of G.F. Bruce's book, so please let me know whether you might want to acquire it. It would be ideal if you send me takes note of that you might want posted on the web. Fellowship 1 Eating the Flesh and Drinking the Blood of the Son of Man 21 (Zagnoli) 66 This Is My Body... This Is My Blood 236 (Zagnoli) Sabbath 4 The Sabbath for Man 32 Pardoning 2 The Son of Man Forgiving Sins 26 3 Not the Righteous yet Sinners 29 18 If You Do Not Forgive Your Brother 77 Demise 5 Not Dead yet Sleeping 35 51 The Great Gulf 189 Christ Paid the Penalty 70 Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me? 248 68 Why Are You Here? 243 Christian Lifestyle 6 Saltless Salt 37 (Mateko) 57 The Cursing of the Fig Tree 208 (Mateko) 60 Render to Caesar 214 (Mateko) 7 The Old Is Better 40 (Mateko) 8 One scribble or One Tittle Shall in No Wise Pass 42 (Mateko) Duty/Discipleship 29 Hating One's Parents 119 40 The Son of Man Has Nowhere to Lay His Head 159 37 Taking Up the Cross 150 46 Sell What You Have 174 39 For or Against 157 41 Let the Dead Bury Their Dead 161 42 Looking Back 164 56 The Wedding Garment 206 20 Pearls before Swine 86 24 Go Nowhere among the Gentiles 104 Lowliness 53 The Rate for the activity? 195 54 The First Will Be Last 199 44 The Elder Brother 169 Riches 46 Sell What You Have 174 48 The Camel and the Eye of a Needle 180 49 Serving God and Mammon 184 47 Give for Alms What Is Within 178 50 Using Unrighteous Mammon to Make Friends 186 60 Render to Caesar 214 Reality of Sin/Repentance 11 Plucking Out the Right Eye 54 13 Eunuchs for the wellbeing of the Kingdom of Heaven 63 9 You Fool! Merits Hell Fire 49 62 You Brood of Vipers 221 19 Lead Us Not into Temptation 81 Marriage/Purity/Oaths 10 Adultery in the Heart 52 12 Divorce and Remarriage 56 14 Do Not Swear at All 66 Love for Enemies 15 Turning the Other Cheek 68 16 Love Your Enemies 72 17 You Must Be Perfect 74 Confidence 58 Faith That Removes Mountains 210 52 Will the Son of Man Find Faith on Earth? 192 26 Let the Children First Be Fed 110 Eschatology 63 This Generation Will Not Pass Away 225 64 There the Eagles Will Be Gathered Together 231 38 The Kingdom Coming with Power 153 69 You Will See the Son of Man 245 25 You Will Not Have Gone through All the Towns of Israel 107 Otherworldly Warfare 28 Violence and the Kingdom 115 30 Casting Fire on Earth 122 31 How I Am Constrained Until It Is Accomplished! 125 32 Not Peace yet a Sword 130 33 The Fall of Satan 133 36 Get behind Me, Satan! 146 67 Let Him Who Has No Sword Buy One 240 Political race/Salvation/God?s Sovereignty 23 Seeing and Not Perceiving 99 55 Many Are Called, But Few Are Chosen 202 65 I Do Not Know You 233 51 The Great Gulf 189 21 The Sin against the Holy Spirit 88 27 Who Is Greater Than John the Baptist? 112 35 You Are Peter 139 Trinity/Nature of God 34 The Father and the Son 136 45 Why Do You Call Me Good? 172 59 Neither Will I Tell You 212 61 Call No Man Your Father 218 43 1 Will Warn You Whom to Fear 166 22 No Sign 94
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
UW River Falls Essay Samples
UW River Falls Essay SamplesUW River Falls is located in the state of Wisconsin, just across the border from Illinois. It is known for its idyllic picturesque river valley and forests. It is the first city with a World Heritage Site designation as the Willis Rosebud City.For years this city has become a popular destination for tourists and rainforest tours. Tourists flock to the city every year in search of an experience they will never forget. These are some of the UW River Falls essay samples that can help you with your next paper. So grab a pen and start writing!How many people in UW city can you name? As many as 60 million. We know that many of those people love to spend their leisure time here on the water. The river flows through many areas of the city. In fact, the beautiful sunsets and the vivid blue skies could make for a great sunset.Backwaters, known for their amazing wildlife, have always been popular attractions for visitors. Another attraction that is sure to have an up surge in interest is the waterfalls. Who can resist a huge waterfall in a natural setting? And let's not forget about the golden eagle sightings! If you can guess which waterfall is the largest, then you have an edge on the game.The University's Park is one of the most visited spots for hiking and nature lovers. Many of the trails end at the confluence of the rivers. Many wildlife are often seen as well.Some of the best hikes in UW are located on the small island at the edge of the village. The island also has a pretty park where people may enjoy anice cream before lunch or go for a walk in the summer sunshine.And the local attractions certainly don't end there. The University of Wisconsin Botanical Gardens and the Husky Museum are both amazing. Come see why UW River Falls essay samples are the way to go.
Friday, May 15, 2020
The Theory Of The Philosophy Of Education Essay - 1538 Words
Teaching Philosophy Emily E. Blackwell Athens State University Abstract Idealism, thought to be the creation of Greek philosopher, Plato, is the approach that teachers use to get students to ask and answer questions in order to reach the next level of education. The teacher will typically use a variety of inquiry based learning tactics. This school of thought is used to develop each students’ individual abilities and moral character. The idealist feels that with the development of moral character in addition to personal reflection, wisdom is gained. Teachers who follow this philosophy generally see themselves as a role model for his or her students to strive to emulate. This teaching method is typically implemented to focus on developing ideas through lecture, discussion, and Socratic dialogue. Students can be assessed using a number of methods including, but not limited to quizzes, testing, research projects experiments, and individual or group inquiries. Additionally, this philosophy is used to encourage students to discover their individual tru ths. Introduction The philosophy of education is the philosophical ideas on the essence, goals, and complications of education. The philosophy of education is both reflective in nature and rooted in educational practice. Engaging in philosophy helps teachers to clarify what they do or intend to do in regards to classroom management, lesson planning, time management, and discipline. (Seigel, 2015) Implementing a particularShow MoreRelatedThe Philosophy Of Education Is Closely Modeled By Jerome Bruner s Constructivism Theory980 Words  | 4 PagesMy philosophy of education is closely modeled by Jerome Bruner’s Constructivism theory. Constructivism theory allows students to choose and convert information, and build hypothesis before making decisions (Bruner, 1960). The model focuses on the construction of learning. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay about Unit 4 P1 - 2506 Words
Emotional development- Young infants probably do not have a sense of being an individual. Attachment has been defined as an affectional bond that endures across space and time. There would most likely be a psychological response; you would feel surprised and somewhat pleased to see your mom. Infants who are securely attached have successfully developed what Erikson referred to as trust. Social development- Infants soon recongnise their mothers voice and smell. Social referencing is the term for the way that infants take their cues from others in deciding what emotions and actions are appropriate. How do infants learn to be afraid of something? One way is their own experience, but that experience is very limited. A second way is by†¦show more content†¦Social: At this stage of life, Adolescences communicate socially by using social network sites or by mobile phones and other gadgets as technology is increasing rapidly. They become more involved in group activities and plan on going out and have a good time. Predictable * Starting secondary school, carrying on with further education such as A-levels, university * Starting work- going into full/part time job when you are legally able to work * Puberty changes which occur during the ages 10-18 Un-Predictable * Bereavement * Crime- being involved in a crime you unintentionally/intentionally cause * Convictions * Teenage pregnancy- not using birth control if you are having sex, most are likely to become pregnant Development norms and milestones for adolescence (10-18 years) During the life stage of adolescence, it is a time of many physical, mental, emotional, and social changes. Hormones change and puberty begins. Boys grow facial hair and go through wet dreams and erections. Girls begin to grow hair under their arms and other areas, breasts start to grow and the menstrual cycle begins. Being worried about how their body looks is normal for every teenager, but they learn to adapt to their bodies as they are going through a change. Many teenagers might face peer pressure to use alcohol, smoking, drugs and to have sex. Other challenges which may occur can be eating disorders,Show MoreRelatedUnit 4 P1 and M11181 Words  | 5 PagesUnit 4 Task 1 I have selected ‘Sainsbury’s’ as my organisation and I will explain the types of information used in my organisation. The following are: * Verbal * Written * On-Screen * Multi-Media * Web based Verbal Face-to-face verbal communication is the best way to communicate. There is less chance for misunderstanding and it allows for verbal and nonverbal messages. However with the restrictions of time and budgets in business it is not always possible to meet in personRead MoreUnit 4 P1 M1 Essay2780 Words  | 12 Pagesï » ¿Unit 4: business communication P1: Describe the types of information used in your organisation, choosing one from each of the following categories: verbal, written, on-screen, multimedia, web based. The organisation I have chosen to write about is the NHS, this is a government organisation which is funded by taxation and enables all UK residents to be entitled to free healthcare. Verbal Communicating information verbally by speaking face to face can be the best way of communicating as there is lessRead MoreBtec Business Unit 4 P11348 Words  | 6 PagesWilberforce may use this to try to get a sponsor to sponsor them from different countries around the world, They may send a virtual video or even a PowerPoint trying to sell themselves to the target audience Name: Tom Hall Task 1; Unit 4 Sources of information: Internal.... Financial †¢ Usually in great detail, relates towards a company performance. Finance could be the costs of running the business. Wilberforce would use finance in a day to day basis, they may use it toRead MoreUnit 4 Promoting Health Education P12692 Words  | 11 Pagesshy of strangers. at about 2 years, they will show jealousy with peers and siblings, they will not be able to control their emotions. At the age of 3 they will start to control their emotions better and not as jealous of other children. Childhood 4-9 years At this stage Michael become much better at controlling their emotions. They will learn how to express their emotions differently in different situations. Children will mostly depend on their carers and family. As children grow older they willRead MoreP1 Unit 4 Health and Social Level 32020 Words  | 9 Pagesfrom delayed development. Emotional and social development in a child will change a huge amount due to their change in their daily routine when they going into education and they aren’t around their family as they are used to within infancy. From age 4-9 years old is the first social learning of social development in a child. From a young age, young children are emotionally attached and dependent on their care givers. The change within the introduction of school and social environments can be a struggleRead MoreReliability And Availability Evaluation Of A System Switched1625 Words  | 7 PagesRELIABILITY AND AVAILABILITY EVALUATION OF A SYSTEM SWITCHED TO ANOTHER S IMILAR, SUBSTITUTE OR DUPLICATE SYSTEM ON TOTAL FAILURE ABSTRACT A two-unit standby system is considered with two types of repair facilities. One facility repairs one unit at a time and other facility repairs both the units simultaneously. When both the units fail, if unit can be repair in short time then repair will be continued, otherwise in order to improve availability another substitute system taken from outside is usedRead MoreProfessor1037 Words  | 5 Pagespoints on the demand curve, (QD1 , P1 ) and (QD2 , P2 ) . 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Firm Y has no access to this, or any other cost-saving technology, and its marginal cost will remain at $10. Is it worthwhile for firm X to implement this technology or not? Prove your answer. 2. A monopolist sells in two markets. The demand curve for the monopolist’s product is x1=a1-b1P1 in market 1 and x2=a2-b2P2 in market 2, where x1 and x2 are the quantities sold in each market, and P1 and P2 are the prices charged in each market. TheRead MoreAvailability Improvement For Single Unit System With Two Types Of Repair Facilities1233 Words  | 5 PagesAVAILABILITY IMPROVEMENT IN SINGLE UNIT SYSTEM WITH TWO TYPES OF REPAIR FACILITIES Gurvindar Kaur and pooja vinodiya School of Studies in Statistics Vikram University Ujjain (M.P.) ABSTRACT This study deals with the reliability, availability, and busy period characteristics of single unit system. On failure of the system, if system can be repaired in short time then repair will be continued, otherwise in order to improve availability another substitute system taken from
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Case Study Solution about Retail Management of Pound Land Store
Question: Using the retailer chosen "Pound land", undertake a comprehensive and extensive look at the internal positioning of this company in regards to how it is dealing with the issues identified? Answer: Introduction Poundland is a public limited store situated in British. Poundland lies under the retail sector. As a retail shop Poundland sells different brands products in one place. The main aim behind starting this type of store was they wanted customers to get all their necessary items in one place in an affordable price. Subsequent to global financial crisis, the UK retailers have gone through significant downturn. Among them, mostly affected are the discount retail chains. Still, there are certain retailers who have manage themselves quite efficiently to deal with this major issue. Pound land is one of them (Armstrong, 2010). In the context of current external environment, it can be said that this particular industry has evidenced an increasing trend. Gap Analysis in Poundland Poundland before opening any new store analyses the market and customer requirement so that the products sold in that store are according to customers and market. Gap analysis in Poundland is used to analyse the difference between their present conditions with future condition in relation to communication, working culture, business environment, employee welfare, profit share and others (Armstrong, 2010). Poundland gap analysis assesses the analysis of their retail supply, surplus in items or profit and other working. Gap analysis in communication is done to analyse the difference in their consumer demand and requirement so that long term and short term plan are changed accordingly (Blake and Rivkin, 2010). Gap analysis can be in communication, delivery service, customer service and other services. Suppose customer wants packed uncooked chicken and the seller present in store is offering him different variety of pork meet, so the miscommunication or the mistake of seller done in under standing and analysing the demand of customer can affect Poundland business as well as customer relationship also. Different strategies adopted by Poundland for Marketing, Advertising and Promoting and list of competitors The promotional strategy adopted by Poundland is as they provide different discounted products every time which attracts more number of customers in comparison of their competitors. Marketing strategy adopted by Poundland is as they try to advertise their range of customers with the help of media i.e. Television, internet or web media and others for instance, Pound land has 26000 followers on Facebook and 38.7K followers on Twitter which explain that Poundland is active on Twitter more than Facebook because of the offers and vouchers (Plunkett, 2010). Pound land organizes different events to advertise their products and shops location which make easier to their customers (Blake, Buttner and Rivkin, 2010). The other promotional strategies adopted by Poundland are they provide credit cards to their regular customers, they invite celebrity in the shops for inaugurating different events so that huge number of customers gathers (Plunkett, 2010). The main competitors of Poundland in retail industry are as Wall mart, Iceland, Poundworld, Aldi. Price Tactics Hard discounting shops are famous for their rock bottom price. They can sell their products at extremely low costs as they are unbranded. However, Poundland are restricted as everything has to be a pound. To increase their sales volume Pound land adopted the discount pricing strategy by which they sell all products of their in house production on 1. Commented by (Armstrong) retail industry is based on customers requirement and needs, so Pound land price strategy for every store is different (Blake, Buttner and Rivkin, 2010). Pound lands in their old and new stores adopt different pricing strategies as the sales rates of both stores are different. New stores of Pound land usually offer discount and reduce price rate in their newly opened store to attract more and more customers. Location Pound land stores are often located within the city centre where they are easy to access. As mentioned by (Gelder and Woodcock, 2003) Pound land is nearly having 500 stores worldwide where they sell number of brands as per their customers demand and requirement. If Pound land decided to open any new store first they analyse different factors on which they store sales depends as customer demand in that particular location, availability of other facilities like transport, roads, water and etc. As commented (Field, 2009) location of any retail store decided their business profit and their operation procedure. As mentioned in one research (Plunkett, 2010) Pound land all stores are situated in good location which increases their sales in comparison of their competitors. Customer Services Pound Land retail stores have different customer services which are decided by their top managers. Pound Land store managers try to continue their customer service facility after the purchase. As commented (Gelder and Woodcock, 2003) customer service of any retail industry organization do not begin and finish on counter, to continue customer relationship store manager and other employees should always work on it (Gelder and Woodcock, 2003). Pound land influences their each and every employee for maintaining customer relation. Pound land after evaluating several problems regarding their customer relation decided to hire new employees who will only for on customer relationship i.e. within the store they will try to help customer in purchasing, choosing and other things if they face any problem (Plunkett, 2011). Pound land customers perception depends on their past experience of purchasing and choosing their products within the store (Plunkett, 2010). Pound land as a retail industry alw ays monitors their employees performance regarding customer relation within the store. Store Atmosphere Commented by (Field, 2009) main responsibilities of store manager of Pound land different stores are to always maintain positive environment within the store so that all employees are motivated. As stated by (Gelder and Woodcock, 2003) store environment of Pound land are always positive and motivational for their employees as well as their customers. The main responsibility of Pound Land store managers are as to maintain daily operation of their employees and the operation which are held within the stores. In contrast to this (Terriff, Osinga and Farrell, 2010) if store environment in positive all employees will automatically be influenced to work. Positive atmosphere of store helps managers in influencing their subordinates to perform better and complete their task on time. Operating procedures Pound land is a retail store where customers come to purchase different products offered by them. Pound land different stores location, services, products influence their perception customers regarding the company brand. As mentioned by (Gould, 2008) Pound land managers focus on their store operation and the cost which they invest and incur from operation. Pound land tries to manage their all store operation in an integration manner to run store easily. As stated (Guercini and Runfola, 2010) main factors of Pound land stores operations are as store manager, sales men and women, low level employees, customers and others. As mentioned (Morrow, 2010) Pound land is having its separate and vast warehouse where huge number of items can be stored. Pound land always focuses on their product quality which they get from various other companies and the quality of products which Pound Land is providing their customers (Terriff, Osinga and Farrell, 2010). Pound land always operate in proper hiera rchy Profitability Hard discounting stores tend to have a low profit margin strategy to attract price sensitive customers. Poundland keep prices low to keep sales volume high by doing things such as Bulk buying, own brand labels and cost cutting. Because prices are so low it means that sales volume will be higher. Another way that Poundland makes itself more profitable is by cutting costs where ever it can. For example staff costs are cut by only having around 5 members of staff throughout the whole store. The staff are paid well but have a lot of responsibilities when there is no customers at their till they are expected to do another task elsewhere in the store e.g. cleaning (Gelder and Woodcock, 2003). Hence Poundland profits are around million before taxation. Pound land organization always focuses on their profitability share i.e. to increase their profitability share they adopt various strategies and policies (Plunkett, 2010). If any store of Pound land is having poor sales in comparison of other competitors they evaluate the reason behind and then adopt new sales techniques and strategies. Pound land adopted lean and money inventory for their profitability retail operation (Gould, 2008). In contrast to these all profit able strategies Pound land try to increase their sales volume by opening new stores in such a location where no other retail stores are present and then Pound land offers customers low price product and launches various discount scheme. Commented (Morrow, 2010) Pound land to increase their sales cut down their supply chain system cost, manufacturing cost and motivate their employees to avoid wasting organization things. Recommendation Pound land work as per their customer demands in any particular region, so they should try to interact their customers face to face for getting feedback regarding their customer service, product quality and other services (Plunkett, 2010). Pound land should try to improve their product quality and service quality as per their customers and present market demand. To increase their sales volume Pound land should adopt new marketing, advertising and promotional strategies other than discount strategy. Supply chain system and technologies should be updated to increase the competitive advantage in retail industry (Terriff, Osinga and Farrell, 2010). Pound land before making changes in their rules, regulations and policies regarding employees or work should do analysis properly. Pound land should try to focus on their cost cutting strategy as it can de motivate their employees also (Plunkett, 2010). The recommendation and feedback if given by any customer should be considered as it will increase customers loyalty towards brand. Pound land should always update their discount and other offers on their official website and other social websites so that every customer is aware and attracts toward their products. Conclusion The study is all about Pound land pricing strategies, location, operating procedure, store atmosphere and other factors which are important for their business (Morrow, 2010). Pound land is a retail industry so the main factors on which their sales depend are customer relationship and the employee employer relationship (Plunkett, 2010). Pound land adopted several strategies and methods to influence their customers regarding their product and other services which differ from store to store. Commented (Plunkett, 2010) Pound land has won number of awards for their customer relation, customer services and the quality of products. Pound land sells huge number of fast moving products of different companies. The study is having brief study about the location, store atmosphere, customer relationship and etc. References Armstrong, J. (2010).Persuasive advertising. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Blake, C. and Rivkin, C. (2010).Stationary fuel cell application codes and standards. Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Blake, C., Buttner, W. and Rivkin, C. (2010).Vehicle codes and standards. Golden, Colo.: National Renewable Energy Laboratory, U.S. Dept. of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. Field, S. (2009).Career opportunities in the retail and wholesale industry. New York: Ferguson/Facts on File. Gelder, D. and Woodcock, P. (2003).Marketing and promotional strategy. Cheltenham: Nelson Thornes. Gould, W. (2008).The Puerto Rico Gap Analysis Project. Ri o Piedras, P.R.: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, International Institute of Tropical Forestry. Guercini, S. and Runfola, A. (2010). Business networks and retail internationalization: A case analysis in the fashion industry.Industrial Marketing Management, 39(6), pp.908-916. Morrow, S. (2010).Work schedule manager gap analysis. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Dept. of Transportation, Federal Railroad Administration, Office of Research and Development. Plunkett, J. (2010).Plunkett's retail industry almanac 2010. Houston, Tex.: Plunkett Research. Plunkett, J. (2010).Plunkett's retail industry almanac 2011. Houston, Tex. (P.O. Drawer 541737, Houston TX 77254-1737 USA): Plunkett Research. Plunkett, J. (2011).Plunkett's Retail Industry Almanac 2012. Houston: Plunkett Research, Ltd. Terriff, T., Osinga, F. and Farrell, T. (2010).A transformation gap?. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
SpanishAmerican War Essay Research Paper SpanishAmerican WarThe free essay sample
Spanish-American War Essay, Research Paper Spanish-American War The Spanish-American War was different from many other wars because it did non cover with America # 8217 ; s rights ; nevertheless it dealt with our issues over expansionism. The war was caused by xanthous news media, sinking of the chief, and the de Lome missive in which he discussed his bad religion with America. The Spanish-American War was a # 8220 ; glorious small war # 8221 ; because it demonstrated the tremendous influence of xanthous news media, changed the balance in the Federal Government, and most significantly, marked the clear outgrowth of the United States as both a universe and imperialistic power. The Spanish-American War demonstrated tremendous influence of the imperativeness in determining of public sentiment and, indirectly, authorities policy. The imperativeness brought big Numberss of people together by maintaining them informed of what # 8217 ; s traveling on abroad. The imperativeness besides showed inkinesss and Whites contending side by side against a common enemy, assisting to ease the lesions still left from the civil war. We will write a custom essay sample on SpanishAmerican War Essay Research Paper SpanishAmerican WarThe or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Newspapers circulated The De Lome missive written by the Spanish curate to a friend in Cuba. He criticized President McKinley as a weak and unqualified President. As McKinley tried to keep neutrality, public feelings were fanned by xanthous news media, which created a authorities policy. The Spanish-American War had two major effects sing the balance of power among the Federal subdivisions of Government. Alt hough the war did non precisely upset the balance of power between or among the subdivisions, it greatly increased the powers of both the Executive Branch and the Legislative Branch. The Executive power was enormously increased during the war and afterwards in the many assignments made in order to administrate the freshly acquired districts. Likewise, Legislative authorization besides increased the power of American Imperialism and expansionism prospered as a consequence of the war. When the United States declared war the armed forces was non ready. The ground forces comprised of approximately 30,000 was to turn to 200,000, voluntaries were non good equipped, and sanitation was besides sick equipped. Consequently, the United States spent 50 million to fix their ground forces. The UNITED STATES went on to get the better of Spain a major European power, on land and at sea. Therefore the UNITED STATES acquired Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines, every bit good as the right to intercession in the personal businesss of Cuba. Consequently, this marked the clear outgrowth of the United States as both a universe and imperialistic power. Due to the Spanish-American War the United States grew from a babe Chihuahua to an over fed greaser bell Chihuahua ( geographically and mentally ) we are now recognized as a universe power that instills fear into many lesser states. As Americans, we pride ourselves on holding the highest criterion of life. In this war, we showed that we were willing to contend to maintain our criterions where they are.
Thursday, March 12, 2020
Clearwaters Company Objectives and Issues
Clearwaters Company Objectives and Issues Marketing has evolved with the evolving technologies in the world. The emerging technologies have completely changed the marketing processes in the current world. Freeman (2010) observes that for a long time, marketing was considered an operational activity and it was a unit under the production department. This was the time when most firms employed the production strategy. There was a general belief that once a product is availed in the market, consumers would have no otherwise but to buy it. Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Clearwaters Company Objectives and Issues specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This notion was held for a long time. Because there was minimal competition in the market, these firms managed to operate with this policy for long. However, the emerging technologies have created a global village where an individual could move from one end of the earth to the other within a very short time. Impr oved means of communication is another aspect that has changed marketing practices. The invention of telephones was a major milestone in making the world a global village. A person in New York would easily communicate with another in Riyadh or Melbourne in real time. As communication was enhanced, people became more knowledgeable and therefore more demanding. Current Marketing Situation It is always very important that before introducing a product to the market, care be taken to ensure that there is a deep understanding of the market situation. Market situation refers to the forces that dictate the condition of the market. They are the forces that would determine if a given product would be acceptable in the market. Of concern would be the acceptability of the product in the market, the size of the market and its sustainability. In order to elaborate on these factors, a number of analyses would be used in this research. In this case, we would discuss the introduction of a new bran d of water, hereinafter referred to as Clearwaters. Market Description Bottled water is one of the new products in the Saudi markets. This product was considered a free product and many people relied on tap water as the preferred clean water for drinking. However, this changed with time. Bottled water has come out strongly as one of the beverages that are considered important goods. Because of the ease to carry it and the fact that it is believed to have nutrients, there has been a consistent increase in the size of the market for this product. The bottled water market has consistently been eating up the market share of other carbonated drinks such as the cola products. Health experts have been raising concerns over the ingredients of the cola products and the possible effect they might have on consumers. As such, those individuals who are health conscious have considered taking bottled water instead of the carbonated drinks.Advertising Looking for research paper on busines s economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This market is relatively young, especially in the Saudi market. However, it has experienced a massive growth over the past few years. Some of the market leaders in the beverage market such as the Coca Cola Company have come up with their own brand of water to help cushion them against the effect of the mass movement of customers from carbonated drinks to bottled water. This brand is relatively strong in the market and its growth has been consistent. Other firms, some of which are locally owned, have come up with their own brands of water as well. They are keen to take their own share of the market. Clearwaters, being a new product in this market, would find an established market with a strong competition that must be countered if the product were to survive a possible elimination. Product Review Clearwaters is new in this industry. It is made of pure drinking water, just like o ther bottled water brands in this industry. This product is meant for human consumption and is sold in bottles of varying sizes, ranging from 300 milliliters to twenty liters. Five, ten and twenty liter-bottles are meant for home use while the three milliliter to one liter bottles target individuals who need water while on a journey or while on such practices as gym and roadwork. The product is new but in a considerably old market. Its brand is barely known and the marketers of this product have a huge responsibility of ensuring that this product penetrates the market. Although the products target the public, five, ten and twenty liters are targeted at middle-class families, who want clean bottled water for home use. The three hundred milliliters, five hundred milliliters, and one-liter bottles have youths as their targets. Competitive Review The market competition is undoubtedly immense. As stated above, there are giant international firms that have established their position in t he market. These firms, as Majer (2011) notes, have strong brands that have gained acceptance in the local market. The biggest challenge is the fact that these firms have developed pools of loyal customers who may not easily be withdrawn by such new brands as Clearwaters. There is a free market entry to firms trading in this product and this would mean that Clearwaters should be ready for new competition from other foreign firms that may want to enter the market. Although the competitors in this particular market have not considered using pricing as a strategy of competition, there are signs indicating that this is a possibility, especially if large firms in this industry consider small industry players as a threat. Thos would mean that elimination of small firms is the only option for survival. Clearwaters must therefore develop clear marketing strategies that would make it unique in the market.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Clearwaters Compan y Objectives and Issues specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Channels and Logistics Review Channels of distribution are some of the most important factors that the management team must consider. Given that this is a new firm and that the market is highly competitive, logistics are some of the factors that can help this firm to be seen as unique in this market. Clearwaters’ products would be delivered to various retail outlets in Riyadh city by use of two tracks. The management would ensure that this product is ever available in all the major stores within this city. The channel would simply be from the manufacturer to the retailers who would finally sell the products to the customers. SWOT Analysis The strength of this project depends on various factors. One of the major strengths of this project is its brand name (Charantimath. (2006). As Stated above, the brand, Clearwaters, is relatively new in the market. However, the name is expecte d to attract the Muslim faithful, who make the majority of the market share. This project also has considerable financial strength. As such, this project is in a position to implement its strategies, including those of research and extension. The project is also expected to operate in various cities outside Riyadh. As such, it would be able to balance its production. When one section of its market would be experiencing economic growth, the other section would be facing recession. Despite the above strengths, the project it has some weaknesses, a fact that might see some of its competitors such as Dasani eat up a section of its market share. Freeman (2010) says that one of the weaknesses that many environmentalists have repeatedly talked about regarding all the firms selling water in plastic bottles, is environmental degradation. The plastic bottles that this firm uses in packing its drinks are causing havoc to the environment. It is apparent that this firm is yet to develop a solut ion to this problem because according to the program, it is yet to replace the plastic bottles with better alternatives. Within the area of operation, some opportunities that can make the firm experience massive growth in its market share exist. Dasani has exploited a vacuum that existed in many countries in the world, especially in the developing countries. Majer (2011) says that there was no competition for this firm in the overseas markets and this company was able to make the most out of its sales. However, with the introduction of new brands such as Clearwaters, Dasani would be under threat. Clearwaters would find it easy to change with the changing technologies because of its small size than would Dasani. Technological advancements will also enable the firm to conduct trade much easily due to improved means of communication and transport means. The economic boom that Saudi Arabia experienced following the improved oil prices in the world market is another opportunity that can help this firm to expand its market.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The threats that this product has had to deal with include competition. The market has gotten increasingly competitive. Freeman (2010) notes that many firms like Coca Cola have come up with products, which are close substitutes of the product. They have taken large market share in the country. Security concerns in some parts of the city are another threat that this firm has had to deal with. When there is an internal strife, like the one experienced in Egypt and Libya in the recent past, this firm would lose millions of dollars due to the destruction of its assert. During such periods, the firm would also lose the profits they get from the region, while yet they will have to pay the employees. This would hurt the firm financially. Objectives and issues This is a new product. The issue here is to ensure that this product is successfully introduced into the existing market, and that it gets acceptance from the customers in this region. The objective of this move is to ensure that the firm manages to capture substantial market share that would make it sustainable in an increasingly competitive market. Clearwaters should come out as a strong brand in the bottled water industry. The brand should not only attract positive sales in the market, but also a strong base of loyal customers who would help in ensuring that this firm is sustainable. Positioning Product positioning is always very important. In various occasions, firms would try to position their products in the market as the best. In this case, Clearwaters would be positioned as ‘the end of thirst’. In this context, thirsty customers should consider going for Clearwaters, because in its presence, thirst would end. With proposition is expected to attract travelers who pass by the retail outlets to look for beverages that would help quench their thirst. Product Strategy This product is perfectly similar to other products sold by other market competitors. However much the advertisement may be devi sed to make it appear different, the fact remains that the product is similar to those of other competitors. Therefore, a strategy that would help make it unique must exist. In this regard, the packaging of this product would be made a little unique from others in the market. The packages of this product targeting the youths would have graphics that would be attractive to them. The aim of this is to ensure the product speaks out to the customers the moment customers’ glance at them. Pricing Strategy Pricing is one of the most challenging tasks when introducing a new product in the market. When the price is set higher than the average market, customers would most likely ignore the product and go for their traditional products. When the product is priced lower than the market price, customers may dismiss it as a product of poor quality and therefore it may be ignored. Therefore, most firms would prefer setting the price of the product to be at par with the market price of other products. The rationale is that in the process of choosing for the best brand, given that the prices are the same, customers may consider taking the new brand to test its viability. This firm would employ this strategy. It would avoid setting the price below the market average for this may provoke price wars (Freeman, 2010). Because it is a new firm, it may not be in a position to withstand such a competition. Distribution Strategy This product is intended to be distributed in all the major stores in Riyadh. The product will have to capture this market before moving to other cities in this country. The choice of Riyadh was because it has the biggest market for this product and therefore more promising than other markets. Moreover, with the fact that there is huge competition in this city, a success in this market would mean that it would be easy to reach out to other markets. As stated above, the track would move this product to all the mail retail outlets in the country. The str ategy that would be used would be very simply: the product should never run out of stock in all the selected stores Marketing Communication Strategy Manufacturing and availing products to the market is not enough if there is a considerable level of competition in the market. There would be need to ensure that the market understands that the product is available and that it offers superior value. Clearwaters would therefore be advertised in the main channels of communication within the target market. The marketing department would have to use the mass media like the dailies, the radio and television stations to inform the market that this product is available. This department would also need to ensure that the youths who frequent the social media are also reached. This should be done using such social media as Facebook, Tweeter, and YouTube. The communication that goes to the public should be reviewed carefully. It would be important to ensure that there is no miscommunication, or irrelevant information reaching out to the public. This may damage the reputation of the firm and hinder its move to capture more customers in this market. Marketing Research According to Majer (2011), there has been a massive change in marketing over the recent past. Currently, businesses have been forced to take an inward-out approach to marketing. This would mean that a firm would start by understanding what the market expects of them. After developing this understanding, the firm would then need to ensure that it develops products that will meet the demands of the market. In order to ensure that this is possible, there would be need for research into the market. Market research is always very important because creates understanding of the market. Clearwaters will have to be developed as a strong brand in this market. In this regard, it would be important that the management conduct the research among the target market to get to understand their expectation of the bottled water that is sold in the retail outlets. The data from this research should be analyzed, and compounded with the secondary sources of information like the business journals, an informed decision should be made of the approach that this firm should take in bringing this new product to the market. This way, it will gain a competitive edge over the existing firms because it shall have implemented the recommendations from the research. Implementations Charantimath (2006) says that ideas will always remain ideas unless they are implemented. Good ideas can be turned into wonderful projects if the concerned parties make concerted effort to ensure that it is implemented. The plans for the introduction of this product will have to be implemented by all the concerned members of the project. After the idea has undergone all the stages until there is an inception of a product, a marketer would be expected to take over. In this case, the first step would be market testing. A sample of the product w ould be taken to the market to determine its viability. If the product is confirmed to be viable in the market, the production department would then be instructed to produce the product in mass and then there will be commercialization of the product. In this case, Clearwaters will be taken to various retail outlets in the city. The marketing department will also develop an awareness campaign of the product within this particular city. Most importantly during the implementation process, the team would ensure that all the planned activities are carried out as per the plan with no deviations. The allocation of funds would be based on various factors, such as the importance of the project, its profitability and impact it would have on the firm. Budget The budget for this project would be based on the area of coverage. For a start, this project is expected to cover Riyadh city. However, it would be rolled out to other cities later if it proves successful in this region. The budget for t his project would be categorized into various sections, which include research, manufacturing, logistics, advertising, and others. Based on the percentage, the above categories should be allocated funds as follows. Research- 8% Manufacturing-60% Logistics- 11% Advertising- 12% Others- 9 The above budgetary allocations may be altered as per the need of the organization, but they should not be drastically shifted from the estimates provided. Control It is important that the management ensure that the program would flow smoothly as planned. The control of the entire process would be in the hands of the top management of the project. They have the responsibility to ensure that there is a proper budgetary allocation and that every task is done by the intended persons and within the scheduled time. The top management should be responsible for assigning each member of the team specific roles that would help in ensuring that the overall objective of the firm is achieved. Monitoring is al so part of control and must be undertaken by the management unit. References Charantimath. (2006).Total Quality Management. New Delhi: Pearson Education. Freeman, E. (2010). Ethical leadership practices. KCA Journal of Business Management, 2(1): 1-14. Freeman, E. (2010). Strategic Management: A Stakeholder Approach. New York: Cambridge University Press. Majer, C. (2011). The silent killers of productivity and profit. T+D, 65(2), 62
Tuesday, February 25, 2020
Media reaction paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Media reaction paper - Essay Example The media have also joined the debate, actually taking sides although in a more discreet manner in line with its vow of upholding objectivity. The analysis that the U.S. media is far from being objective because it can be broken down into the liberal and conservative camps has only become more evident in its handling of the issue. Even as journalists try to present news on the issue in the most balanced and objective manner, they still could not avoid showing their bias. One media piece, an article written by David Fitzsimmons titled U.S. Must Enact Immigration Reform Now, which was published in Statesman Journal, is a rare example of how the issue can actually be handled in a manner that can be considered fair and balanced despite the author showing ultimately his personal stand. The article Fitzsimmons wrote is a response to the approval of the Arizona Legislature of a bill that would introduce reforms in the state’s immigration policy. The article begins with a brief backgr ound of events prior to the passing of the bill, SB 1070, in a news-like writing manner. After such short description, Fitzsimmons then starts to lay down his analysis on the issue when he writes that â€Å"state lawmakers were so fed up with the federal government's inconsistent, inadequate immigration enforcement that they took the issue into their own hands†(29 July, 2010). Based on this analysis, Fitzsimmons then expressed agreement with the measures approved by the Arizona Legislature, including the concepts behind these such as the enforcement of stricter policies against employers who wittingly know that they are hiring illegal immigrants. However, Fitzsimmons does not stop here and, as a consequence, prevents the reader to immediately conclude that the author is all-out in his support of a crackdown policy on illegal immigrants and their support machinery. Instead, he also expresses apprehensions over the enforcement of the new immigration law in the state. He worrie s that â€Å"the law will foster discrimination against Latinos  creating the wrong presumption that ‘if you look Hispanic, you must be here illegally’  even though the law's supporters vow that won't happen†(Fitzsimmons, 29 July, 2010). In the end, Fitzsimmons points out that while there may be negative aspects in the presence of illegal immigrants, there are also positive ones. While he attempts to present an unbiased analysis in this part, he errs in using the term ‘illegal immigrants.’ Apparently, what he means is not just the illegal ones but also the legal immigrants as well. It is not just the illegal immigrants but also the legal ones who contribute to the economy as employees, consumers, and tax-payers. It is also not just the illegal immigrants who â€Å"consume tax dollars†as they avail of public education, healthcare, and the welfare system. Fitzsimmons then proceeds to push for certain measures that do not really drive the immigrants off Arizona’s borders but just process them more efficiently so they can be legalized. What makes Fitzsimmons perspective rare though is that he also proposes that helping the immigrants within the border is the solution. He proposes that in order to solve the heavy influx of immigrants, it is necessary for Arizona
Saturday, February 8, 2020
Negative interaction on the psyche of the American teenagers caused by Research Paper
Negative interaction on the psyche of the American teenagers caused by the violence in video games - Research Paper Example However, even with the rating systems can’t prevent exposure to violence as a staggering 89% of video games contain a degree of violent content and specifically it can also be found in more than half of E-rated (for Everyone) games (Gentile). Figure 1. Computer and video game sales from 2000 to 2011 (NPD) Violence in video games is not a relatively novel subject. Since the emergence of the video gaming industry in the 1970’s the notion that video games promoted violence became a major controversy with the release of â€Å"Death Race†in 1976 (Kent). The game involved the player as an automobile driver running over screaming â€Å"gremlins†that resembled human figures due to the primitive graphics of that era. Believing that the game appeared to condone killing of innocent civilians with a car, protestors started pulling machines out of the arcades and burning them, eventually leading to the termination of the game. Newer controversies included the p opular â€Å"Wolfesnstein 3D†and the franchises of â€Å"Street Fighter†and â€Å"Mortal Kombat†, which featured one-on-one fights and gory graphic sequences (Carnagey and Anderson). Over the past 25 years, numerous studies have researched the effects on video games on adolescents. The most prominent interest of researches has been games with violent content and the association between video game use and aggressive behavior, as well on school performance. The aggressive elements portrayed have been linked to aggression on children and adolescents, but the empirical evidence was not present to validate these assumptions (Schutte et al.; Irwin and Gross). Recent meta-analytic reviews have employed both short-term experimental and correlation studies to study the harmful effects of exposure to violent games and associated them with higher levels of aggressive behavior, physiological arousal and decreased prosocial behavior (C. A. Anderson 113-22; Anderson et al.). Most of the research has associated videogame violence with school shooting incidents while some assessed their influence from a developmental perspective (Kirsh). This review will assess the effects of video games to the adolescents as reported from various studies, discuss the underlying psychological processes and theories employed to understand them. 2. Effects of Violent Video Games The research on the effects of violent video games, however small, mirrors the larger body of research on the effects of violent films and television programs (Whaley). While many of the effects in those genres are similar, at least three reasons to believe that the former have stronger effect than violent television formats (C. Anderson, Backwell) . These include the active process of playing videogames instead of the â€Å"passive†television viewing while higher probability of players to identify with a violent character occurs in first person shooters (Anderson and Dill). Additionally, most violent games reward violent behavior often with verbal praise such as â€Å"Nice shot†after killing enemies with a gun – as studies show, rewarding behavior increases its frequency (Bozza). 2.1 Aggressive behaviors, cognitions and feelings The primary concern over violent video games is the behavior that players will assume as a result to their
Thursday, January 30, 2020
Research Paper Essay Example for Free
Research Paper Essay Sibley’s English 1302 Research Paper Submission Guidelines RESEARCH PAPER: * The research paper must be 1500-2000 words in length (excluding the Works Cited page), and must be typed according to MLA format guidelines for style and documentation. Type Word Count on last page of paper (before the Works Cited page). * A minimum of 1 primary (literary) source and 3 secondary sources must be used in the actual writing of the paper. * The paper must conform to one of the three options provided by the prompt, and be written about approved literary works. The paper must be organized in alternating pattern (by criteria and not by literary work). * Have a descriptive title WHAT TO SUBMIT: Submit the following documents in a folder with your name and section# legibly printed on it. 1. A clean copy of final paper and works cited page. 2. Complete photocopies of any short stories not in the anthology OR a page with links to electronic copies. PLEASE NOTE: Research Projects are due at the beginning of class on the date found in your revised tentative course calendar. Your paper must be attached to an email sent to me by 11:59pm the evening of day the hard copy of the paper is due. Remember that if you do not do thisâ€â€I cannot assign any credit to your paper, even if you turned in the hard copy. LATE PENALTIES: 5% Hard copy turned in on due date, but later than 5 minutes after the beginning of class. 10% per calendar day, up until 3 days after the due date, after which I will no longer accept papers, and no credit will be assigned. Dr. Sibley’s English 1302 Research Paper Evaluation Rubric Student Name amp; Section # _________________________________________________ Paper Grade (20% of Course Grade): ________ NOTE WELL: To receive a minimum grade of â€Å"C,†the responses to all of the following criteria must be â€Å"Yes. †____________________________________________________________________________ FORMAT * MLA Format (double-spaced, 1†margins, etc. ) Yes / No * Works Cited Page provided Yes / No * Works Cited Page conforms to MLA guidelines Yes / No * Internal Citations in correct form Yes / No Sources properly introduced before initial use of them Yes / No * Direct quotations integrated properly into paper Yes / No * 1500 word minimum Yes / No STYLE * Paper is written from a 3rd person, objective point of view. Yes / No * Paper is written in literary present tense. Yes / No * Paper is free from numerous, distracting small errors. Yes / No * Diction and tone are appropriate for an academic paper. Yes / No * The reader is not hampered by confusi ng or awkwardly constructed sentences. Yes / No * There are no serious grammatical errors. Yes / No CONTENT * Paper has an arguable thesis related to literary elements of short stories, and develops an argument which adequately supports it. Yes / No * Paper exhibits competent knowledge of its primary sources. Yes / No * Paper exhibits correct use of literary vocabulary and conventions. Yes / No * Paper makes use of at least 3 secondary sources. Yes / No * Paper is well organized in alternating pattern. Yes / No * Paper comes to a logical conclusion which is clearly related to the thesis. Yes/ No
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Anatomy Of A Psychopath :: essays papers
Anatomy Of A Psychopath "In every man’s heart there is a secret nerve that answers to the vibrations of beauty." Almost every person has a preconception of the darkest form of humanity: evil. One German film exemplifies this classic struggle of right and wrong, while addressing deeper emotional messages. The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari was made in 1919 and directed by Robert Weine. The film features a character named Francis, the protagonist, who seeks revenge against Dr. Caligari and his somnambulist, Cesarà ©, whom he believes murdered his friend. In one specific scene, Cesarà © attempts to kill a beautiful woman named Jane, Francis’s fiancà ©e coincidentally, at Caligari’s request. Judging by Cesarà ©Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s previously witnessed brutal and robotic nature, it is assumed that as he creeps up to her gentle sleeping body that her time has expired. Magically, he cannot commit the deed. Overcome with affection, he instead lovingly reaches to cradle her head. She awakens, screams, and struggles. Cesarà © snaps out of his funk and overtakes her, eventually escaping with her on his back. This intense scene conveys the message that even the darkest forms of evil are not completely devoid of humanity, giving the audience the faintest glimmer of hope that good can always shine through malevolence. Cesarà © has no mind of his own; rather he is the puppet of the sinister Dr. Caligari. This is strikingly obvious just before the attack on Jane. As Cesarà © slinks down the corridor to the bedchamber his movements are awkward and unnatural, similar to puppet’s movements. At one point he even pauses, as if to mentally rethink the plan for murder Caligari has laid down. This attention to said murder agenda points that normal people can be highly susceptible to perform evil deeds. In essence, Cesarà © is not an evil person, but one who has been mentally dominated by the evil Caligari. One could play a contemporary television therapist and venture to state that Cesarà © "is the victim in all of this." In fact, "Cesarà © the sleepwalking killer" never existed before Caligari came into place. One can therefore also determine that evil spawns more evil. Kindness and humanity always find a way to shine through the depths of rage and hate. Poised in a striking position, primed to kill, something inside Cesarà © snaps. He is rendered momentarily immobile, unable to perform the deed he has been commanded.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Personal writing – David’s Table
Danielle's heart stopped the moment He stepped through the doorway. Although He was the reason that she came to this particular cafà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ at this precise time, she wasn't certain about her vague information. Go to Isabella's at quarter past four. He orders a cappuccino and a biscuit. He sits outside under the green umbrella at a wooden table and drinks his coffee, giving his biscuit to the birds. Sure enough, Danielle's man was given a polystyrene cup and white paper bag. She watched from her dark corner as He went outside. When she left, she noticed crumbs surrounding Him. The next day, Danielle couldn't curtail her thoughts. Whenever she looked at the clock she wondered what He was doing at that moment. At last, the bell rang and her body tensed in anticipation, but she had to wait until the end of roll call to grab her bag and make her way to Isabella's. Sitting at the same corner table, Danielle again ordered a cappuccino. Danielle hated coffee but it made her feel closer to Him. Today, she listened to His order at the counter. â€Å"Cappuccino to go and one of those cornflake biscuits, thanks.†Danielle smiled when the owner of the cafà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ laughed and took His money. â€Å"David, mate, you've been coming here for months and its always the same thing†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Danielle knew this was Him. â€Å"†¦And you only have different biscuits because you take whatever's there.†David grinned and took his order. â€Å"Well don't expect me tomorrow Bruce, I'm going back to Melbourne.†Danielle froze mid-pretend sip. Melbourne? â€Å"Melbourne?†echoed Bruce aloud. â€Å"Yeah, I have unfinished business there †¦Ã¢â‚¬ David looked away. â€Å"Ah, I see.†Bruce shut the till, smiled and turned to the next customer. David walked out onto the terrace. Inside, Danielle lost interest in her pretence. He was going away before she had a chance to talk to him. She picked up her coat and left, crossing the terrace just as He looked up and saw her walking away. School came second to Danielle's thoughts. However, this time her mind was firmly in the distant past on the day that had been the hardest of her life. Even thinking about it made her want to bawl into her notebooks. Mercifully, Danielle had on Thursdays she didn't have to say much, just sit there and look busy, so no one noticed. Neither Danielle nor David went to Isabella's on Thursday. David didn't want to go to Melbourne as he had only been in Adelaide for five months. However, since his mother died six weeks previously and he had been in Melbourne for the funeral, the pull became too strong. David knew that to start over again in Adelaide, he needed closure in Melbourne. A month sounded long, but there was a lot he had to do. Thankfully, he and Cassie didn't have any children; apparently they made divorce harder. David left for Melbourne on Thursday at six-thirty pm. After the weekend, Danielle returned to Isabella's. She wasn't sure whether to be upset that had was gone or relieved. Bruce noticed that she no longer sat in the corner with an untouched cappuccino; now Danielle sat outside on David's table with hot chocolate and cake. She ate the icing but crumbled the cake for the birds. Bruce considered getting a new cook, but instead, befriended her. Soon a month was up. Once, David wondered why some married couples had separate bank accounts. Wasn't marriage for life? Now he wished he had their foresight. Neither he nor Cassie wanted to sell everything but they couldn't do things fairly, too many emotions in the way. David was returning to Adelaide with money from the sale of his old life to purchase his new. His only concern was that his parents, his past, was buried in Melbourne. An indiscernible smell wafted down the aisle and punched David fair in the nose. Old shoes? Rotten eggs? It was too early for David to recognise the stench. â€Å"Would you like breakfast sir?†David smiled wanly as the flight attendant plonked a tray in front of him. The smell became stronger when he lifted the foil: overcooked omelette. Quarter to six he boarded the plane and now at seven-thirty it was too early for offal disguised as breakfast. David leant back in his chair and closed his eyes. He felt guilty about betraying his parents by leaving, by putting his childhood and young adult life in a neat box labelled â€Å"Melbourne†and moving on. But it was more; his motives for moving to Adelaide went against his parents' wishes and it was only after they had both died that he could defy them. At 32, David was still a naughty little boy. Danielle gazed at the attentive but blank faces in her chemistry class. Sometimes she wondered why she bothered. Most of these girls would go on to be nurses, secretaries or teachers. However it was a precious few who wanted more that made it all worthwhile. When Danielle was fifteen, she had been a precious one. She was to be a doctor in a time when girls were trained to be wives. Danielle was going somewhere until†¦ â€Å"Miss Everard, isn't there a two minus charge on the oxygen molecule?†Danielle shook herself from her reverie and looked at what she had written on the board. â€Å"Ah, yes, thankyou Catherine.†Catherine was a lucky one, going on to be what Danielle dreamed of. The siren went and the students began to pack up. â€Å"Miss Everard, is there any homework?†But Danielle had already left. David decided to go to Isabella's at four, as he wasn't back working yet. Bruce was pleased to see him. â€Å"David, I'm sorry but you can't have your table today. Why not try the table with the red umbrella?†David shrugged and sat down, glancing at the woman sitting at â€Å"his†table. She was slowly eating the icing from the top of her cake in between sips from her mug. He watched, captivated, as she picked at her cake and let bits fall from her fingers to the sparrows on the ground. He realised it, as his own cappuccino cooled beside him. Danielle, not noticing her company, was fully engrossed in the sparrows that flitted and darted around her. She found peace beyond her forty-eight years, something she hadn't felt for almost thirty-three years. David felt his thirst be slaked as he watched her, after twenty years of drought. This woman surrounded by birds mitigated the dryness started when he was told he was adopted. Bruce saw the young man approach the middle-aged woman and smiled. Knowing both sides, he had figured the whole story out long ago. With the strong sunlight slanting under the umbrella, Bruce could see that the resemblance between mother and son was uncanny.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Essay Domestic Violence - 2426 Words
The practice of violence is prevalent throughout the world and millions of people die every year because of violence. One of the most pervasive forms of violence is domestic violence (Heise et al., 1994) (Koenig et al., 2003), which is hampering the harmony of communities, families and even individuals. Millions of families and homes have been and are being destroyed every year because of domestic violence. There are many forms of domestic violence such as violence against spouses, women, men, children or the elderly (Koenig et al., 2003). Although violence is gendered since men are considered to be the major perpetrators of violence against women (VAW), not all men are violent and both men and women have the equal potential to be†¦show more content†¦Reports filed regarding DV each year are increasing rapidly. This does not represent the complete scenario, as most of the cases go unregistered or disregarded everyday because VAW is usually excused, allowed and overlooked (Am nesty International, 2009) in many societies. There is a myth that DV or IPV only occur in low or middle income communities and among less educated people. However, women experience DV or IPV regardless of their social class, socioeconomic status, race, ethnicity or background. Studies have shown that 10% to 60% of women who have ever been married or partnered have experienced physical violence from their intimate partner once in their life time (Ellsberg and Heise, 2005). However, these statistics might vary from country to country and even within country (Ellsberg and Heise, 2005). Domestic violence is evidence of our pseudo-civilized society because no religion or culture supports IPV or DV in the civilized world. This paper aims to look at the health and social effects of VAW and cultural and religious practices that support VAW. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 33% of women across the globe have faced violence in their lifetime. This violence can result in physical, mental, sexual or reproductive health problems and can increase susceptibility for HIV/AIDS (WHO, 2013). One of the most common forms of VAW is Intimate partner violence (IPV) which also includes sexual violence. This type of violence is often unseen because womenShow MoreRelatedDomestic violence1229 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿ 3/1/13 Domestic Violence Persuasive Essay Final Draft â€Å"Every year, in the United States there are over 3 million incidents of reported domestic violence. Every year, 4,000 victims of domestic violence are killed.†(Domestic Violence: Disturbing Facts about Domestic Violence). Domestic violence is a crime that is not just committed in the United States, but worldwide. This crime is committed every day, every hour, every minute, and every second. Anybody can be a victim or the abuser. ThisRead MoreDomestic Violence1340 Words  | 6 PagesDomestic Violence is a problem sweeping the nation. This problem can affect anyone from anywhere but is generally acting out upon children and adult women in abusive relationships. Domestic violence is emotionally and physically scarring for anyone involved, and as a result could take multiple intervention meetings to begin to understand the issue, alleviate the associated problems, and to assist the victim in getting back on his or her feet. The consequences of abuse include anxiety, d epressionRead MoreDomestic Violence2691 Words  | 11 Pagestowards domestic violence have changed considerably. Once, the only avenue that existed for victims of domestic violence was through criminal law. Today, all states of Australia have enacted various forms of domestic violence legislation to deal with this growing problem within our communities. The Domestic and Family Violence Protection Act 2012 (Qld) provides a broader and more contemporary definition of what constitutes domestic and family violence. The legal definition of domestic violence is outlinedRead MoreDomestic Violence1120 Words  | 5 Pagesstatements that one hears when discussing domestic violence. When video broke of NFL player Ray Rice, hitting and knocking out his then girlfriend Janay, those were the types of questions that erupted on social media. Instead the question should have been, â€Å"Why did he hit her?†, â€Å"Why didn’t he show any emotion or remorse?†â€Å"What is wrong with him?†This is known as victim blaming, and it is unfortunately all too prevalent in our society today. Domestic violence is a dirty little secret that no one wantsRead MoreDomestic Abuse And Domestic Violence Essay1365 Words  | 6 Pagesover 3 million incidents of domestic violence. That means that every nine seconds a women is beat en by her domestic partner†(Findeley). There are many women that stay silent when being abuse by their partners. The consequences of staying quiet when obtaining abuse can be dangerous and can also lead to death. Many women do not recognize the importance of the fact that there is in speaking out if they are being abuse by their partner. No woman should take domestic abuse by their partners. EveryRead MoreDomestic Violence And Public Violence Essay1231 Words  | 5 Pagesmillion people in the United States are affected by domestic violence. There are 8.8 million children who will witness domestic violence. Half of all victims of domestic violence will also experience the unimaginable pain of their child/children being abused alongside them. The fact is, domestic violence will affect or touch every person in their lifetime (Pence McMahon, 1999). There are many ground-breaking advocates of reducing domestic violence, though one stands out above the others. EllenRead MoreDomestic Violence And Sexual Violence1237 Words  | 5 Pages1.0 Introduction Domestic violence or intimate partner violence can occur in any type of relationship. There are many types of domestic violence including; social, physical, emotional and spiritual. Domestic violence is all about one person wanting control and power over the other and it can be expressed in many ways. It can occur in more than one way such as; coercion, threats, intimidation, isolation, stalking, sexual abuse, and economic abuse. It can also be a single act or a pattern of behaviourRead MoreDomestic Abuse And Domestic Violence965 Words  | 4 PagesI chose to do the domestic survivors subculture I feel as if it was a great topic to focus on its going to reveal a lot of emotion. Domestic violence can happen to anyone. Domestic violence sometimes called battering is against the law. At first glance, it is hard to imagine why a victim of domestic violence would voluntarily remain in the relationship with the abuser. As you may know domestic violence doesn’t always start off as violence it starts off as in the form of love. The abuser feels asRead MoreThe Effects Of Violence On Domestic Violence1380 Words  | 6 Pagesobject to violence, because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary; the evil it does is permanent†, quoted by Mahatma Gandhi. Violence is defined as an unjust or unwarranted exertion of power or force to intentionally injure, damage, or destroy something or someone. Amongst the various types of violence, there is one in particular that has been causing an ongoing debate within societies across the world; this certain type of violence is known as domestic violence. Domestic violence, alsoRead MoreDomestic Violence And Sexual Violence1535 Words  | 7 Pageslifetime (Domestic Violence Statistics, 2015). The topic that will be studied with the paper is intimate partner violence or another term that can be used is domestic violence. Domestic violence or intimate partner violence is the systematic pattern or control or power perpetuated by one partner against another (National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, n.d.). Throughout the paper the term domestic violence and intimate violence will be used interchangeably. The misconception is that domestic violence
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