Thursday, January 30, 2020
Research Paper Essay Example for Free
Research Paper Essay Sibley’s English 1302 Research Paper Submission Guidelines RESEARCH PAPER: * The research paper must be 1500-2000 words in length (excluding the Works Cited page), and must be typed according to MLA format guidelines for style and documentation. Type Word Count on last page of paper (before the Works Cited page). * A minimum of 1 primary (literary) source and 3 secondary sources must be used in the actual writing of the paper. * The paper must conform to one of the three options provided by the prompt, and be written about approved literary works. The paper must be organized in alternating pattern (by criteria and not by literary work). * Have a descriptive title WHAT TO SUBMIT: Submit the following documents in a folder with your name and section# legibly printed on it. 1. A clean copy of final paper and works cited page. 2. Complete photocopies of any short stories not in the anthology OR a page with links to electronic copies. PLEASE NOTE: Research Projects are due at the beginning of class on the date found in your revised tentative course calendar. Your paper must be attached to an email sent to me by 11:59pm the evening of day the hard copy of the paper is due. Remember that if you do not do thisâ€â€I cannot assign any credit to your paper, even if you turned in the hard copy. LATE PENALTIES: 5% Hard copy turned in on due date, but later than 5 minutes after the beginning of class. 10% per calendar day, up until 3 days after the due date, after which I will no longer accept papers, and no credit will be assigned. Dr. Sibley’s English 1302 Research Paper Evaluation Rubric Student Name amp; Section # _________________________________________________ Paper Grade (20% of Course Grade): ________ NOTE WELL: To receive a minimum grade of â€Å"C,†the responses to all of the following criteria must be â€Å"Yes. †____________________________________________________________________________ FORMAT * MLA Format (double-spaced, 1†margins, etc. ) Yes / No * Works Cited Page provided Yes / No * Works Cited Page conforms to MLA guidelines Yes / No * Internal Citations in correct form Yes / No Sources properly introduced before initial use of them Yes / No * Direct quotations integrated properly into paper Yes / No * 1500 word minimum Yes / No STYLE * Paper is written from a 3rd person, objective point of view. Yes / No * Paper is written in literary present tense. Yes / No * Paper is free from numerous, distracting small errors. Yes / No * Diction and tone are appropriate for an academic paper. Yes / No * The reader is not hampered by confusi ng or awkwardly constructed sentences. Yes / No * There are no serious grammatical errors. Yes / No CONTENT * Paper has an arguable thesis related to literary elements of short stories, and develops an argument which adequately supports it. Yes / No * Paper exhibits competent knowledge of its primary sources. Yes / No * Paper exhibits correct use of literary vocabulary and conventions. Yes / No * Paper makes use of at least 3 secondary sources. Yes / No * Paper is well organized in alternating pattern. Yes / No * Paper comes to a logical conclusion which is clearly related to the thesis. Yes/ No
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Anatomy Of A Psychopath :: essays papers
Anatomy Of A Psychopath "In every man’s heart there is a secret nerve that answers to the vibrations of beauty." Almost every person has a preconception of the darkest form of humanity: evil. One German film exemplifies this classic struggle of right and wrong, while addressing deeper emotional messages. The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari was made in 1919 and directed by Robert Weine. The film features a character named Francis, the protagonist, who seeks revenge against Dr. Caligari and his somnambulist, Cesarà ©, whom he believes murdered his friend. In one specific scene, Cesarà © attempts to kill a beautiful woman named Jane, Francis’s fiancà ©e coincidentally, at Caligari’s request. Judging by Cesarà ©Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s previously witnessed brutal and robotic nature, it is assumed that as he creeps up to her gentle sleeping body that her time has expired. Magically, he cannot commit the deed. Overcome with affection, he instead lovingly reaches to cradle her head. She awakens, screams, and struggles. Cesarà © snaps out of his funk and overtakes her, eventually escaping with her on his back. This intense scene conveys the message that even the darkest forms of evil are not completely devoid of humanity, giving the audience the faintest glimmer of hope that good can always shine through malevolence. Cesarà © has no mind of his own; rather he is the puppet of the sinister Dr. Caligari. This is strikingly obvious just before the attack on Jane. As Cesarà © slinks down the corridor to the bedchamber his movements are awkward and unnatural, similar to puppet’s movements. At one point he even pauses, as if to mentally rethink the plan for murder Caligari has laid down. This attention to said murder agenda points that normal people can be highly susceptible to perform evil deeds. In essence, Cesarà © is not an evil person, but one who has been mentally dominated by the evil Caligari. One could play a contemporary television therapist and venture to state that Cesarà © "is the victim in all of this." In fact, "Cesarà © the sleepwalking killer" never existed before Caligari came into place. One can therefore also determine that evil spawns more evil. Kindness and humanity always find a way to shine through the depths of rage and hate. Poised in a striking position, primed to kill, something inside Cesarà © snaps. He is rendered momentarily immobile, unable to perform the deed he has been commanded.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Personal writing – David’s Table
Danielle's heart stopped the moment He stepped through the doorway. Although He was the reason that she came to this particular cafà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ at this precise time, she wasn't certain about her vague information. Go to Isabella's at quarter past four. He orders a cappuccino and a biscuit. He sits outside under the green umbrella at a wooden table and drinks his coffee, giving his biscuit to the birds. Sure enough, Danielle's man was given a polystyrene cup and white paper bag. She watched from her dark corner as He went outside. When she left, she noticed crumbs surrounding Him. The next day, Danielle couldn't curtail her thoughts. Whenever she looked at the clock she wondered what He was doing at that moment. At last, the bell rang and her body tensed in anticipation, but she had to wait until the end of roll call to grab her bag and make her way to Isabella's. Sitting at the same corner table, Danielle again ordered a cappuccino. Danielle hated coffee but it made her feel closer to Him. Today, she listened to His order at the counter. â€Å"Cappuccino to go and one of those cornflake biscuits, thanks.†Danielle smiled when the owner of the cafà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ laughed and took His money. â€Å"David, mate, you've been coming here for months and its always the same thing†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Danielle knew this was Him. â€Å"†¦And you only have different biscuits because you take whatever's there.†David grinned and took his order. â€Å"Well don't expect me tomorrow Bruce, I'm going back to Melbourne.†Danielle froze mid-pretend sip. Melbourne? â€Å"Melbourne?†echoed Bruce aloud. â€Å"Yeah, I have unfinished business there †¦Ã¢â‚¬ David looked away. â€Å"Ah, I see.†Bruce shut the till, smiled and turned to the next customer. David walked out onto the terrace. Inside, Danielle lost interest in her pretence. He was going away before she had a chance to talk to him. She picked up her coat and left, crossing the terrace just as He looked up and saw her walking away. School came second to Danielle's thoughts. However, this time her mind was firmly in the distant past on the day that had been the hardest of her life. Even thinking about it made her want to bawl into her notebooks. Mercifully, Danielle had on Thursdays she didn't have to say much, just sit there and look busy, so no one noticed. Neither Danielle nor David went to Isabella's on Thursday. David didn't want to go to Melbourne as he had only been in Adelaide for five months. However, since his mother died six weeks previously and he had been in Melbourne for the funeral, the pull became too strong. David knew that to start over again in Adelaide, he needed closure in Melbourne. A month sounded long, but there was a lot he had to do. Thankfully, he and Cassie didn't have any children; apparently they made divorce harder. David left for Melbourne on Thursday at six-thirty pm. After the weekend, Danielle returned to Isabella's. She wasn't sure whether to be upset that had was gone or relieved. Bruce noticed that she no longer sat in the corner with an untouched cappuccino; now Danielle sat outside on David's table with hot chocolate and cake. She ate the icing but crumbled the cake for the birds. Bruce considered getting a new cook, but instead, befriended her. Soon a month was up. Once, David wondered why some married couples had separate bank accounts. Wasn't marriage for life? Now he wished he had their foresight. Neither he nor Cassie wanted to sell everything but they couldn't do things fairly, too many emotions in the way. David was returning to Adelaide with money from the sale of his old life to purchase his new. His only concern was that his parents, his past, was buried in Melbourne. An indiscernible smell wafted down the aisle and punched David fair in the nose. Old shoes? Rotten eggs? It was too early for David to recognise the stench. â€Å"Would you like breakfast sir?†David smiled wanly as the flight attendant plonked a tray in front of him. The smell became stronger when he lifted the foil: overcooked omelette. Quarter to six he boarded the plane and now at seven-thirty it was too early for offal disguised as breakfast. David leant back in his chair and closed his eyes. He felt guilty about betraying his parents by leaving, by putting his childhood and young adult life in a neat box labelled â€Å"Melbourne†and moving on. But it was more; his motives for moving to Adelaide went against his parents' wishes and it was only after they had both died that he could defy them. At 32, David was still a naughty little boy. Danielle gazed at the attentive but blank faces in her chemistry class. Sometimes she wondered why she bothered. Most of these girls would go on to be nurses, secretaries or teachers. However it was a precious few who wanted more that made it all worthwhile. When Danielle was fifteen, she had been a precious one. She was to be a doctor in a time when girls were trained to be wives. Danielle was going somewhere until†¦ â€Å"Miss Everard, isn't there a two minus charge on the oxygen molecule?†Danielle shook herself from her reverie and looked at what she had written on the board. â€Å"Ah, yes, thankyou Catherine.†Catherine was a lucky one, going on to be what Danielle dreamed of. The siren went and the students began to pack up. â€Å"Miss Everard, is there any homework?†But Danielle had already left. David decided to go to Isabella's at four, as he wasn't back working yet. Bruce was pleased to see him. â€Å"David, I'm sorry but you can't have your table today. Why not try the table with the red umbrella?†David shrugged and sat down, glancing at the woman sitting at â€Å"his†table. She was slowly eating the icing from the top of her cake in between sips from her mug. He watched, captivated, as she picked at her cake and let bits fall from her fingers to the sparrows on the ground. He realised it, as his own cappuccino cooled beside him. Danielle, not noticing her company, was fully engrossed in the sparrows that flitted and darted around her. She found peace beyond her forty-eight years, something she hadn't felt for almost thirty-three years. David felt his thirst be slaked as he watched her, after twenty years of drought. This woman surrounded by birds mitigated the dryness started when he was told he was adopted. Bruce saw the young man approach the middle-aged woman and smiled. Knowing both sides, he had figured the whole story out long ago. With the strong sunlight slanting under the umbrella, Bruce could see that the resemblance between mother and son was uncanny.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Essay Domestic Violence - 2426 Words
The practice of violence is prevalent throughout the world and millions of people die every year because of violence. One of the most pervasive forms of violence is domestic violence (Heise et al., 1994) (Koenig et al., 2003), which is hampering the harmony of communities, families and even individuals. Millions of families and homes have been and are being destroyed every year because of domestic violence. There are many forms of domestic violence such as violence against spouses, women, men, children or the elderly (Koenig et al., 2003). Although violence is gendered since men are considered to be the major perpetrators of violence against women (VAW), not all men are violent and both men and women have the equal potential to be†¦show more content†¦Reports filed regarding DV each year are increasing rapidly. This does not represent the complete scenario, as most of the cases go unregistered or disregarded everyday because VAW is usually excused, allowed and overlooked (Am nesty International, 2009) in many societies. There is a myth that DV or IPV only occur in low or middle income communities and among less educated people. However, women experience DV or IPV regardless of their social class, socioeconomic status, race, ethnicity or background. Studies have shown that 10% to 60% of women who have ever been married or partnered have experienced physical violence from their intimate partner once in their life time (Ellsberg and Heise, 2005). However, these statistics might vary from country to country and even within country (Ellsberg and Heise, 2005). Domestic violence is evidence of our pseudo-civilized society because no religion or culture supports IPV or DV in the civilized world. This paper aims to look at the health and social effects of VAW and cultural and religious practices that support VAW. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 33% of women across the globe have faced violence in their lifetime. This violence can result in physical, mental, sexual or reproductive health problems and can increase susceptibility for HIV/AIDS (WHO, 2013). One of the most common forms of VAW is Intimate partner violence (IPV) which also includes sexual violence. This type of violence is often unseen because womenShow MoreRelatedDomestic violence1229 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿ 3/1/13 Domestic Violence Persuasive Essay Final Draft â€Å"Every year, in the United States there are over 3 million incidents of reported domestic violence. Every year, 4,000 victims of domestic violence are killed.†(Domestic Violence: Disturbing Facts about Domestic Violence). Domestic violence is a crime that is not just committed in the United States, but worldwide. This crime is committed every day, every hour, every minute, and every second. Anybody can be a victim or the abuser. ThisRead MoreDomestic Violence1340 Words  | 6 PagesDomestic Violence is a problem sweeping the nation. This problem can affect anyone from anywhere but is generally acting out upon children and adult women in abusive relationships. Domestic violence is emotionally and physically scarring for anyone involved, and as a result could take multiple intervention meetings to begin to understand the issue, alleviate the associated problems, and to assist the victim in getting back on his or her feet. The consequences of abuse include anxiety, d epressionRead MoreDomestic Violence2691 Words  | 11 Pagestowards domestic violence have changed considerably. Once, the only avenue that existed for victims of domestic violence was through criminal law. Today, all states of Australia have enacted various forms of domestic violence legislation to deal with this growing problem within our communities. The Domestic and Family Violence Protection Act 2012 (Qld) provides a broader and more contemporary definition of what constitutes domestic and family violence. The legal definition of domestic violence is outlinedRead MoreDomestic Violence1120 Words  | 5 Pagesstatements that one hears when discussing domestic violence. When video broke of NFL player Ray Rice, hitting and knocking out his then girlfriend Janay, those were the types of questions that erupted on social media. Instead the question should have been, â€Å"Why did he hit her?†, â€Å"Why didn’t he show any emotion or remorse?†â€Å"What is wrong with him?†This is known as victim blaming, and it is unfortunately all too prevalent in our society today. Domestic violence is a dirty little secret that no one wantsRead MoreDomestic Abuse And Domestic Violence Essay1365 Words  | 6 Pagesover 3 million incidents of domestic violence. That means that every nine seconds a women is beat en by her domestic partner†(Findeley). There are many women that stay silent when being abuse by their partners. The consequences of staying quiet when obtaining abuse can be dangerous and can also lead to death. Many women do not recognize the importance of the fact that there is in speaking out if they are being abuse by their partner. No woman should take domestic abuse by their partners. EveryRead MoreDomestic Violence And Public Violence Essay1231 Words  | 5 Pagesmillion people in the United States are affected by domestic violence. There are 8.8 million children who will witness domestic violence. Half of all victims of domestic violence will also experience the unimaginable pain of their child/children being abused alongside them. The fact is, domestic violence will affect or touch every person in their lifetime (Pence McMahon, 1999). There are many ground-breaking advocates of reducing domestic violence, though one stands out above the others. EllenRead MoreDomestic Violence And Sexual Violence1237 Words  | 5 Pages1.0 Introduction Domestic violence or intimate partner violence can occur in any type of relationship. There are many types of domestic violence including; social, physical, emotional and spiritual. Domestic violence is all about one person wanting control and power over the other and it can be expressed in many ways. It can occur in more than one way such as; coercion, threats, intimidation, isolation, stalking, sexual abuse, and economic abuse. It can also be a single act or a pattern of behaviourRead MoreDomestic Abuse And Domestic Violence965 Words  | 4 PagesI chose to do the domestic survivors subculture I feel as if it was a great topic to focus on its going to reveal a lot of emotion. Domestic violence can happen to anyone. Domestic violence sometimes called battering is against the law. At first glance, it is hard to imagine why a victim of domestic violence would voluntarily remain in the relationship with the abuser. As you may know domestic violence doesn’t always start off as violence it starts off as in the form of love. The abuser feels asRead MoreThe Effects Of Violence On Domestic Violence1380 Words  | 6 Pagesobject to violence, because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary; the evil it does is permanent†, quoted by Mahatma Gandhi. Violence is defined as an unjust or unwarranted exertion of power or force to intentionally injure, damage, or destroy something or someone. Amongst the various types of violence, there is one in particular that has been causing an ongoing debate within societies across the world; this certain type of violence is known as domestic violence. Domestic violence, alsoRead MoreDomestic Violence And Sexual Violence1535 Words  | 7 Pageslifetime (Domestic Violence Statistics, 2015). The topic that will be studied with the paper is intimate partner violence or another term that can be used is domestic violence. Domestic violence or intimate partner violence is the systematic pattern or control or power perpetuated by one partner against another (National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, n.d.). Throughout the paper the term domestic violence and intimate violence will be used interchangeably. The misconception is that domestic violence
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