Saturday, December 28, 2019
Here We Come Group Energizer Theatre Game
Sometimes teachers and other group leaders need new ways to get students energized and loosened up for classes or rehearsals. The activity below has been around awhile. It is called â€Å"Here We Come!†How You Play 1. Divide students into two groups. Groups may be as large as 10 to 12 students. 2. Teach students the following lines of dialogue: Group 1: â€Å"Here we come.†Group 2: â€Å"Where ya from?†Group 1: â€Å"New York.†Group 2: â€Å"What’s your trade?†Group 1: â€Å"Lemonade.†3. Explain that Group 1 must discuss and agree upon a â€Å"trade†â€â€a profession, job, or activity that they will all mime after they have responded with â€Å"Lemonade.†(Group 2 should not be within earshot of their discussion.) 4. Once Group 1 has chosen its â€Å"trade,†the members of Group 1 line up shoulder-to shoulder on one side of the playing area facing Group 2, also lined up shoulder-to-shoulder on the opposite side of the playing area. 5. Explain that Group 1 will begin the game by delivering the first line in unison (â€Å"Here we come†) and taking one step towards Group 2. Group 2 delivers the second line (â€Å"Where ya from?†) in unison. 6. Group 1 then delivers the third line in unison (â€Å"New York†) and takes one more step towards Group 2. 7. Group 2 asks, â€Å"What’s your trade?†8. Group 1 responds with â€Å"Lemonade†and then they begin miming their agreed-upon â€Å"trade.†9. Group 2 observes and calls out guesses about the group’s â€Å"trade.†Group 1 continues miming until someone guesses correctly. When that happens, Group 1 must run back to their side of the playing area and Group 2 must chase them, trying to tag a member of Group 1. 10. Repeat with Group 2 deciding on a â€Å"trade†to mime and beginning the game with â€Å"Here we come.†11. You can keep score of how many tags a group makes, but the game works without the element of competition. It’s just fun and it gets students moving and revved. Some Examples of â€Å"Trades†PhotographersFashion ModelsTalk Show HostsPoliticiansManicuristsBallet DancersPre-school TeachersStep DancersCheerleadersWeight LiftersHairdressersWeather Forecasters What Constitutes Success in This Theatre Game? Students must offer and accept ideas quickly. They must work together as an ensemble when they mime their â€Å"trade.†For example, if the group chooses Pre-school teachers, some group members may play the children that the teachers teach. The more precise the mime that the students perform, the more quickly the game will keep moving. Guideline and Tips Remind the members of Group 1 that their goal is to engage in mime – which requires silence. No dialogue, no sound effects, no reactions to the guesses that Group 2 makes until they hear a guess that is correct.Remind the members of Group 2 that when they go to tag a member of Group 1, they need to aim for a shoulder and tag lightly. The tag is not a slap or a slug.If noise level is a concern, you may want to establish a rule of no screaming or shouting during the chase.Requiring the chase to be performed in slow motion is another way to curb noise and lessen the chances of trips, falls, and overly rambunctious activity.
Friday, December 20, 2019
The Treatment Of Massage Therapy - 1095 Words
facials, can bring harm to the skin. This could cause more breakouts and irritation then what was initially there to begin with. Many people think that facials are for cleaning pores and de-clogging our face also by preventing breakouts. Less breakouts means less skin irritation, allowing the person to feel confident without a face full of makeup which does clog pores if not washed off properly. It could also be a good way to prevent the client from aging too fast. A lot of people think that plastic surgery is the only way to get a nice glowing wrinkle free face, but by getting a facial done once in awhile in turn will give a similar results to a plastic surgery. A facial is the second most popular spa treatment, it’s right behind a good massage. This brings us to massage therapy. James 6 Massage therapy is known as the practice of using touch to manipulate the soft-tissue muscles of the body to your will. This is performed for treating pain, by decompressing tired and overworked muscles, reducing stress, help sport injuries, and for general health. Massage therapists usually specialize in many different types of massages. Some are deep-tissue massage, sports massage, and neuromuscular massage. A massage can last long as 1 hour or as short as 5 or 10 minutes. Generally, the type of massage given depends upon the client s needs. They may use special techniques for the elderly clients, that they would not use on younger clients. For massage therapy they use massageShow MoreRelatedMassage Therapy As An Effective Alternative Treatment For Pain1581 Words  | 7 PagesMassage Therapy as an Effective Alternative Treatment in Palliative Hospice Care Amanda Oswald ABSTRACT The purpose of this review is to summarize research that indicates massage therapy as an effective therapeutic tool for pain relief, reduction of anxiety and symptom management for hospice patients. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019
Lord of the Flies Analysis Essay Example For Students
Lord of the Flies Analysis Essay Outline1 Introduction2 The Overview3 Themes in the Lord of Flies3.1 Loss of Innocence3.2 Civilization vs. Savagery3.3 Leadership3.4 Fear4 Conclusion Introduction Lord of Flies by William Golding is an award-winning novel from the 20th century that depicts savagery and loss of innocence in the society. It is an expository illustration that relates the young children in the story to how leaders in society today behave. It is a book that was well received by many. In our literary essay on Lord of the Flies, we shall focus on the summary of Golding’s story and discuss the main themes. Some of the topics of discussion that arise from the novel include loss of purity of children and how fear breeds insanity. The Overview A plane evacuating young British boys from an unnamed war in England crashed near an island in the Pacific Ocean, leaving them stranded. Ralph and Piggy, find a conch that they use to draw attention from the rest boys. For this, Ralph gained some authority among them and proposed that during their meetings, one can only speak if he holds the conch. They agreed. Phil says at a meeting, Last night I had a dream, a horrid dream, fighting with things. I was outside the shelter by myself, fighting with things, those twisty things in the trees. Phil had heard things about he beast from other boys, which caused him to have the nightmare. He is a young boy, on an island with no supervision and is afraid of whats is happening to him and where he is. Without thoughts of the beast, provoked from the other boys, Phil would never have experienced this nightmare. Not only the thoughts that the boys think affect them, but the things they see cause them to have evil intentions. Golding used a pigs head on a stick called the lord of the flys as another animation to substitute the thoughts of evil and fear within the boys. Seeing the head causes Simon to have hallucinations of this head talking to him. The Lord of the Flys says . After hearing this, Simon returns to the other boys, who are rallying around a fire, indulged in a victorious chant, and is soon trampled to death by the preoccupied boys. Being away from civilization has driven the boys to near delirium and as any person does, they easily got wrapped up in their success. These kids are too young and inexperienced to be alone in the world without any kind of civilization to keep them from losing sanity. In the book Lord of the Flys, William Golding is false in making the conjecture that every person is born with an evil within them. Each person on Earth is born with entirely different thought, feelings, opinions and emotions as the next. Each one of the boys on the island affected by every other boy in different ways, which explains every action that every boy made.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Distinctive Voices Essay Harry Lavender free essay sample
All texts present distinctive voices, no matter what form of text or who the composer is. Distinctive voices, when studied, can assist with understanding society’s values and beliefs which are being presented within texts. The novel â€Å"The life and crimes of Harry Lavender†composed by Marele Day, creates the distinctive voice of a â€Å"hard-boiled†detective. This is achieved by commencing the novel with the disreputable image of a hangover and intercourse with a stranger. Much of the audience would mindlessly assume that the detective’s gender is male due to the hangover scene which has been set, it’s not until the third page has been read that the audience realises that the â€Å"hard-boiled†detective is actually a female by the name of Claudia Valentine. This is effective because it challenges the audience’s knowledge of stereotypes and mystery/crime texts, this assists with gaining the readers interest pursuing them to read on. We will write a custom essay sample on Distinctive Voices Essay Harry Lavender or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Claudia Valentine, the protagonist within the text â€Å"The life and crimes of Harry Lavender†, is a intelligent female detective who always has her mind set on the mystery, she lives in a room above a bar in a sordid area of Sydney. The drunken image which is presented in the introduction of the novel shows that Claudia Valentine is self depreciating and constantly on the go, this is proven by having the messy apartment and the cramming of vitamins down her throat. Claudia Valentine possess many masculine traits of a â€Å"hard-boiled†private eye detective, she’s constantly curious, a good example of this is when she continuously notices the BMW and feels as if she’s being followed. Claudia has many contacts, without any contacts a private eye is hopeless, a good example of this is Bernie, Bernie assists with identifying the BMW which is following Claudia. She is also not afraid of seeking information from or confronting others when necessary, Claudia is also not afraid of defending herself from her enemies, this is presented within the novel where Claudia seeks out information from Mr and Mrs Levack who live in an apartment across from Mark who is the murder suspect within the novel, and also when Claudia states â€Å"My legs are my best weapon. If I’m close enough I can do a karate kick that knocks them flat. If I’m far enough away I run. Claudia Valentine creates the distinctive voice of a â€Å"hard-boiled†female detective which is vital towards the storyline of the novel, without the concept of distinctive voice as a â€Å"hard-boiled†detective the novel would become tedious and disengage the audience’s interest. Claudia Valentine, overall suits the rotagonist of the novel â€Å"The life and crimes of Harry Lavender†by Marele Day, since she is a character which establishes the distinct voice of a â€Å"hard-boiled’ detective and possess all the right traits a private eye detective should have but with a twist since she is a female and not a male, this gains the audiences interest making Claudia Valentine a ideal protagonist for the plot of the novel.
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Diet Coke and Mentos an Experimental Study Essay Example
Diet Coke and Mentos: an Experimental Study Paper Diet Coke and Mentos: An Experimental Study Abstract This paper describes an experiment to determine whether the diet Mountain Dew contain Phosphoric Acid or not. This experiment was held at Green River Community College (GRCC) in Auburn, Washington on May 12. 2009 at 10:30 a. m. The temperature was 52 F. In this experiment, mentos caused a eruption in a 2-liter bottle of Diet Mountain Dew erupted, thus we concluded that diet Mountain Dew did have Phosphoric Acid because it caused eruption with mentos being dropped in. Introduction Diet Coke and Mentos, when mixed, will produce a violent reaction. Same as Test was performed, then rapid effervescence appeared and eruption occurred. When mentos were dropped into the diet Mountain Dew bottle, the similar reaction was also happened. The hypothesis to be tested by this experiment was that if mentos were mixed with Diet Mountain Dew, it will not produce an eruption because Diet Mountain Dew does not contain phosphoric acid. Materials and methods Materials: * Two 2L bottles of Big K diet cola. One 2L bottle of diet mountain Dew. * Two packs of mint mentos. * A six-foot pole * A stop watch Methods: First step: Dropped 7 mentos into the first big K diet cola bottle and then recorded the time and height of the eruption. Second step: Dropped 3 mentos into the second big K diet coke bottle and then recorded the time and height of the eruption. Third step: Dropped 7 mentos into the third bottle (Diet mountain Dew. ) and then recorded the time and height of the eruption. Discussion We will write a custom essay sample on Diet Coke and Mentos: an Experimental Study specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Diet Coke and Mentos: an Experimental Study specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Diet Coke and Mentos: an Experimental Study specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The hypothesis said that mentos would cause an eruption in diet mountain Dew because Diet Mountain Dew contains phosphoric acid. The hypothesis was proved by this experience. However, the eruption produced by mentos mixed with diet Mt. Dew was substantially smaller than that with the Diet Big K coke. Table 1: Results of eruption between Mentos, Diet Cola, and MT. Dew. Bottles| Soda| # of Metos| Height| Length of time| First bottle| Big K Diet Coke| 7| 5 ft| 2 second| Second bottle| Big K Diet Coke| 3| 5. 5 ft| 4 second| Third bottle| Mountain Dew. | 7| 1. 5 ft| 4 second|
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Why Teenagers Act Crazy Essays
Why Teenagers Act Crazy Essays Why Teenagers Act Crazy Paper Why Teenagers Act Crazy Paper Adolescence is usually seen in our society as a period of emotional drama and troublemakers teenagers, there is a psychological explanation for this. First of all, during adolescence teenagers go through life changing events like starting to separate from their parents, trying to fit Into a social group and figuring out who they want to be and what they want to do In their lives. All of this causes a lot of anxiety, but there is a psychological reason for this: the development of the brain during this lifetime causes teenagers to experience more anxiety and fear and they have a reader time controlling this than children or adults. During adolescence the magical (part of the brain that processes fear) develops before the frontal cortex (part of the brain that controls reasoning and executive control) this means that the brain at this stage has more capacity for fear and anxiety but Is underdeveloped for calm, reasoning and moderating emotions. The magical and De frontal cortex work together in certain events, the magical responds to fear by sending an alert to the frontal cortex which re-evaluates the situation and calms down the brain if there is no danger ahead. Studies made in Well Cornell Medical College and Stanford university show that when adolescents were shown fearful faces, they had exaggerated responses in comparison with children and adults. Not only are teenagers more fearful than calm, but they are also risk takers. This happens because the brains reward center also develops before the frontal cortex, this makes teens have a riskier behavior. It has been learned that this anxiety is not easily treated with psychotherapy and also, adolescents shouldnt use stimulants because this worsen anxiety. These problems sometimes affect adolescents, even eater on as adults, causing anxiety disorders. Even though this can happen, most adolescents learn to deal with anxiety and modulate fear as they grow older and the frontal cortex matures. The brain is destined to work a certain way according to its life time, during adolescence the magical is more developed than the frontal cortex and this causes more fears and anxiety but teenagers arena t capable of moderate their emotions and stay calm. This should period of anxiety and fears be considered by adults, adolescents are supposed to go through this to learn gradually how to control fear and anxiety. In his developmental theory, Jean Pigged explains exactly what we Just discussed. To be able to learn, our brain has to go through different development processes. During the brains maturation processes (growing up), we cannot undertake certain tasks until we are psychologically mature enough to do so. Erickson divides life Into several stages, he states that adolescence begins at age 12 and ends at age 18. The basic conflict of this stage Is Identity vs.. Role confusion. It focuses In social relationships; Teens need to develop personal Identity, becoming who they want to be. According to Erickson, success leads to an ability to stay true to yourself, while failure leads to role confusion and a weak sense of self. As we have learned before, this process of finding yourself and developing personal Identity causes mayor anxiety on teenagers, but we already know that Its because of a Drain process. Personal Gulled This is my last high school year; it means that Im going through changes growing into adulthood. This changes lead to maturing, having more responsibilities and undergoing a lot of pressure regarding decisions about my future. Now that I have dead this psychological explanation to a lot of the anxiety that I may feel this year I realize I have to learn how to deal with stress, fear and anxiety to try to stay as calm as possible and successfully complete this last year of high school. I plan to give school the amount of time and focus that it needs, but also enjoy this last months to spend time with my classmates and friends that I probably wont see often after we graduate. As long as I manage correctly my time and accomplish the goals that I set for this year I will be satisfied with my results and I will be ready to enter the next stage in my life.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Terms in Strategic Planning and Capital Budgeting Essay
Terms in Strategic Planning and Capital Budgeting - Essay Example This formula is best used in analyzing the profitability of a project. NPV provides a value that when it turns positive project should be accepted, or rejected when the value is negative. A negative NPV produces a negative cash flows. NPV is also an ideal calculation when deciding on two projects, or comparing between them gives alternatives NPV is based on future cash estimates of the project that could be different from actual results and the difficulty of computing when the cash flows are uneven yearly. Another problem related to NPV is the use of discounting and selection of rate because different rates provide different values. Payback period is an accounting tool that is used to measure the time it will take to recover the original investment. The decision rule here is to accept the project if the payback period is less than projected.(Accounting Explained) This formula is easy to calculate and is one of the simplest tools for measuring profitability. It is also a good measure in ranking projects that would return money easily. For instance, the payback period of a project requiring $100 million dollars and is expected to generate a $5 million return for 5 years: Since expected cash flows are estimates, it is possible that there is a certainty that what is projected will not be the probable result. It could also suggest that there would be an uneven distribution of expected cash flow. This is due perhaps that changes in business are continuous and substantial. We should remember that in business, the product, the consumer, the competition, and the workforce today are very much different from ten years ago, and we cannot predict the outcome of the economy. In addition, this model does not take into account cash flows that occur after payback period is reached.
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